Last Sunday, our nation’s longest war ended as the Taliban swept into the presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan. It was in the wake of 9/11 that the United States had entered that country in pursuit of al-Qaeda. Afghanistan was a breeding ground for such terrorist groups, harbored by the governing...
Category: Opinion
Hartwick: ‘I didn’t agree with this one,’ but have ‘utmost faith in our officers’
Dear editor,On Tuesday, our city council voted to approve an ordinance prohibiting open containers of alcohol on streets, sidewalks and right-of-ways. The motion passed by a vote of 3-2.I was one of those "no" votes, and I'd like to explain to our residents why I did not support it.When this...
Behind My Door: Can you believe it?
By Sandra Bernhardt Look back over your life. Are there incidents you’ll never forget? Of course there are. No one walks through this wild world without collecting a variety of stories that either evoke laughter or a request for a 911 call. Here are some of mine: • Can you...
Your Take: Gratitude expressed by Lions to partners collecting used eyeglasses
Festival Foods in Fort Atkinson has been a valuable partner of the Fort Atkinson Lions Club in the mission to address vision issues around the world. The easily recognized eyeglasses boxes are attractive reminders to customers to bring their used eyewear and hearing aids when grocery shopping. “We are grateful...
Your Take: ‘Factory Farm Myths, Realities and Remedies’ worth the watch
Dear editor: Thank you for recently posting a press release about the Aug. 8 presentation of "Factory Farm Myths, Realities and Remedies,” given by Dr. John Ikerd in Oconomowoc. I, along with other members of the public, attended this presentation and would like to submit a link to a...
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