Editor's note: This column has been updated. By Jill FullerA year after the pandemic began, I now understand a playground isn’t simply a swing and slides; it’s a place to meet new people who turn into friends. The walking trail near my house isn’t merely beautiful; it connects me to my city...
Category: Opinion
Vruwink: A better way of serving justice
By State Rep. Don Vruwink I was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 2016 and from the day I took office, I heard a lot about criminal justice reform: the need to allow for pardons and expunge low-offense criminal records; the need to move 17-year-olds back to juvenile court; and...
Your Take: Fort Atkinson Boys Soccer Team says ‘thanks’ to the community
On behalf of the Fort Atkinson Boys Soccer Team, we would like to thank the community for everything they have done to support us on our journey. We are proud and humbled to be the first Fort Atkinson soccer team to earn a trip to the state soccer competition. Thank...
Behind My Door: Won’t you be my neighbor?
By Sandra Bernhardt While shopping recently, I spied someone wearing a T-shirt that said, “MISTER ROGERS DID NOT ADEQUATELY PREPARE ME FOR THE PEOPLE IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD.” I mulled that over, and soon realized that I, too, had never been adequately prepared for neighbors. G.K. Chesterton wrote, “We make our...
Enbridge: ‘No release is acceptable, we are working to make this right’
Editor's note: Trent Wetmore, Enbridge director of Midwest Region operations – Superior Wisconsin, has submitted the following "Line 13 Update from Enbridge." The safe and reliable delivery of energy we all use is important to those of you reading this letter, but it is paramount to every single team member at Enbridge. No...
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