
Behind My Door: What’s made your face go red?

By Sandi Bernhardt   Who has had an experience that was so embarrassing it was almost impossible to stop thinking about it?  The answer: everyone! You couldn’t sleep, you couldn’t eat, and the tape of that horrendous moment kept playing in your brain: “If only I hadn’t said that!” One...


Off The Record: A tale of two forts

So I Googled FortAtkinsonOnline.com the other day, only to be asked if I meant FortAtkinsonOnline.org.  No, I didn’t.  But I went there anyway, just to satisfy my curiosity. One click whisked me all the way to Nebraska, and a nonprofit called Fort Atkinson State Historical Park. It appears to be...


Our Take: Dig out those fire hydrants, please

We were driving around Fort Atkinson the other day and couldn’t help but notice the large number of fire hydrants buried in snow. It wasn’t like the white stuff just had fallen, either. It was in between snowstorms and the sidewalks and driveways had been cleared. Yet, corner after corner,...