St. Joseph Catholic School in Fort Atkinson has announced the names of its middle school students who have earned 2023-24 third trimester honor roll recognition. Third trimester honor roll accolades can be earned within three categories: Highest Honors, achieved by students earning a GPA (Grade Point Average) of 4.0 and...
Category: School
Fort School District holds reception in honor of nine retirees
By Chris Spangler The School District of Fort Atkinson on Thursday saluted nine retiring employees who together have provided 175 years of service. Recognized during the after-school reception in the high school IMC were Barbara Athas, Jim Athas, Donna Berg, Candace Butz-Pint, Denise Engstrom, Patrick Hatlen, Martha MacWilliams, Heidi Wegner...
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School members break ground for gym
By Chris Spangler With prayer and praise, members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School broke ground Sunday on a long-awaited gymnasium project. Students, faculty and St. Paul’s families gathered behind the school at 309 Bluff St., Fort Atkinson, following morning worship for a brief ceremony that began with the...
Fort’s May elementary school safety patrollers named
The School District of Fort Atkinson recently honored six members of the district’s Safety Patrol Program. Students honored as May’s safety patrollers of the month, include: Hector Palacios and Kashtyn Hintz, both of Luther Elementary School; Will Vance and Jace Fisher, both of Rockwell Elementary School, and Harmony Kirkland and...
Fort High School seniors receive more than $1 million is scholarships
Assembled before an audience filled with family, friends, school district officials, and award presenters, some 66 students collectively received $1,162,088 in scholarship money. During Wednesday’s Fort Atkinson High School Senior Scholarship Ceremony, some 79 different scholarships were awarded to the students. On stage in the Fort Atkinson High School Performing...
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