To the Fort Atkinson community and those who assisted with the Oak Street fire:
It’s now been several days since the Oak Street fire was finally, fully extinguished. Reflecting on the event I wanted to take a moment to recognize all of the resources and people who came together to create a successful outcome.
First and foremost, I have to recognize members of Fort Atkinson Fire Department for responding to the incident to stop the advance of the fire at the point we found it. This incident brought nearly every other department in Jefferson County, resources from adjoining counties and even from neighboring states including 48 fire departments through the Mutual Aid Box Alarm Association (MABAS), along with 205 firefighters.
I would also like to recognize the response from our partner agencies including the Wisconsin Department of Justice, FEMA Region 5, the Environmental Protection Agency, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Jefferson County Emergency Management, Jefferson County Health Department, Jefferson County Sheriff, Jefferson County Emergency Communication, Ryan Brothers Ambulance, Fort Atkinson Police Department, Department of Public Works, Water Utility, Building Department, Electrical Department, City Hall staff and many others. The response needed was great but the system, both public and private, local and regional, worked to provide resources in a timely and efficient manner and demonstrated how the Fort Atkinson community comes together in a time of need.
Many of our local employers released our paid-on-call volunteers to assist with the fire. These members are critical in mitigating these large incidents, and employers’ support of these volunteers is an essential element of our strategic plans. We recognize and appreciate the challenges that these businesses face when our firefighters are excused from work.
One of the things that struck me was the community support demonstrated within the first few minutes of the incident when hundreds of cases of water and other supplies started showing up at the scene. It was an extremely hot and terribly humid day, and the firefighters working to contain the fire as the incident evolved were provided a continual supply of water, Gatorade and food. Much of this was coordinated by our law enforcement partners, Jefferson County Emergency Management, Department of Public Works, City Hall and a number of local community groups and citizens.
Throughout the day and into the evening, citizens kept dropping off supplies, either at the fire scene or at the fire station. Many businesses, both local and regional, continued to deliver food including sandwiches, donuts, coffee, pizzas both for the scene and in the station for several days after the incident and in fact, has continued through today.
While I would love to recognize each of those people and businesses who supplied anything throughout the term of the incident, I hesitate to do so in case I miss somebody. Please know that we truly appreciate the many businesses and individuals that have stepped up to, once again, demonstrate the excellent support this community has for emergency services. Our continued success rests upon the dedication of our career members and volunteers and the support we receive from our community.
Please note that we have a number of coolers and other containers at the station which were filled with food and supplies. We have returned the coolers and containers which had names on them; however, we still have some without names that could not be returned. If you did loan us a cooler and would like it back, please stop by the station or call 920-563-7795.
I am proud to lead such a dedicated and diverse group of firefighters and proud to call Fort Atkinson home. While I hope and pray that we will not see such an incident again, I am confident if we do, the Fort Atkinson community will once again step up to support our efforts.
D.A. Rausch
Fort Atkinson Fire Department Chief

Fort Atkinson City Manager Rebecca Houseman LeMire and Fort Atkinson Fire Department Chief Daryl Rausch address members of the media from the scene of the recent warehouse fire on Oak Street.
File photo/Chris Spangler
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