The Jefferson County Christmas Neighbors program will celebrate its 69th year of helping low income families, according to information shared by program organizers.
The program will be returning this year to having families shop for their children’s toys, released information stated.
Those participating in the distribution this year will be required to wear masks.
According to the release, the program will be distributing hats and mittens, wrapping paper, used toys and food for families enrolled in the program. A used clothing section will not be provided due to COVID-19 restraints.
Those interested in participating in this year’s event are asked to make their application by phone, by calling 920-674-4499. Volunteers will be taking applications between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, from Nov. 1 through Dec. 6. Applications will not be taken in person, the release stated.
Last year, the program assisted some 655 families, and over 1,700 children were helped by at least one of several programs, including the Adopt a Family program and the Toy and Food Giveaway.
Those interested in sponsoring one or more families for the Adopt a Family Program are asked to call the Christmas Neighbors program office at 920-674-4499, beginning Nov. 1 and no later than Dec. 7. For more information, visit the program’s website:
The Toy Program distribution will take place on, Wednesday, Dec. 15, at the Jefferson County Fair Park. Applicants will be assigned an hour to shop for toys, hats and mittens. They will also receive a box of food, a blanket, and wrapping paper, according to the release.
Donations of new and gently used toys, mittens, scarves, hats and wrapping paper are needed. Program organizers encourage those interested in making a donation to bring their contributions to the fairgrounds on Dec. 14, or they may be dropped off at any PremierBank or Badger Bank, Fort Community Credit Union or the City County Credit Union, the release continued.
Those wishing to make a monetary donation may send a check to Christmas Neighbors Inc., P.O. Box 177, Jefferson, WI, 53549 or donate through the organization’s PayPal account found on its website.

Donated toys await the arrival of families participating in a former year’s Jefferson County Christmas Neighbors holiday distribution program. Those interested in participating in the program as applicants or donors are invited to call 920-674-4499. Contributed photo.
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