City approves Oak Tree Child and Family Services capital catalyst loan

The Fort Atkinson Economic Development Commission has approved a capital catalyst revolving loan for Oak Tree Child and Family Services, according to information released by the city manager’s office Thursday. 

According to the release, the purpose of the Capital Catalyst Revolving Loan Fund is to help stimulate the city’s economy. 

A partnership between the Fort Atkinson Economic Development Commission and the Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium was formed in January of last year to receive and manage funds of $600,000, the release stated. 

Oak Tree Child and Family Services on Thursday received an award from the fund of $100,000. 

As stated within the release, the goal of the Capital Catalyst Revolving Loan Fund program is to encourage the startup of new businesses and the expansion of existing businesses, with focus placed on assisting companies in such industries, among others, as advanced manufacturing, agriculture or food processing, information systems or software, medical devices, biosciences and energy.

Founded in 2016, Oak Tree Child and Family Services began as a private practice mental health counseling office. Darlene Meiners then served as the company’s sole counselor.

Since its inception, the company has grown to include an office manager, two counselors and a certified life coach, the release noted. 

Aided by funding through the capital catalyst loan, the company plans to relocate from leased space in Jefferson to a 6,411-square-foot property it plans to purchase at 511 Madison Ave., Fort Atkinson, the release continued.  

The move is anticipated to bring additional practitioners to Fort Atkinson, with plans, as outlined by the company, the release stated, to add four additional jobs as part of the company’s staff within three years. 

The company provides mental health counseling services to families, specializing in serving children between the ages of 2 and 17. 

According to the release, The company has “significant experience assisting with adolescents contemplating self-harm, suicidal ideation, depression and anxiety. 

“In addition, (it assists) in the process of understanding and improving communication, personal interaction within the family system, and the resolution of conflict.” 

According to the release, funds awarded through the capital catalyst program are meant to assist with such activities as encouraging new private investment and developing use of modern technologies that increase productivity in the city of Fort Atkinson, while supporting a diverse mix of employment opportunities and minimizing seasonal or cyclical employment fluctuations. 

The program also is meant to support the elimination of blight and encourage urban redevelopment. 

Through the program, companies can apply for a maximum loan of $100,000. Monies are made available through a grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. 

The application process includes working through the Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium, the release stated, adding that a Loan Review Committee next reviews applications and makes recommendations to the city’s Economic Development Commission for approval. 

To learn more about the program, visit the city’s website: 

To apply for funding through the Capital Catalyst Revolving Loan Fund, contact Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium Executive Director Deb Reinbold by email: or phone: 920-674-8710. 

Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium Executive Director Deb Reinbold, from left, Fort Atkinson City Manager Rebecca Houseman, followed by representatives of Oak Tree Child and Family Services, including Morieen Ring, Chris Klein, Darlene Meiners, Katee Ames and Kitty Sawyer, along with Fort Atkinson Clerk, Treasurer and Director of Finances Michelle Ebbert, and Fort Atkinson Economic Development Commissioner Jonah Ralston, gather at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building for a presentation of a $100,000 check. The funds were awarded Thursday to the mental health services company through a capital catalyst revolving loan program facilitated through the city of Fort Atkinson. Contributed photo. 

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