City officials: Assessor to mail notices of partial reassessment

Fort Atkinson city officials have announced that the city’s contracted appraisal service, Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc., will be mailing notices of partial reassessment beginning Tuesday, Aug. 15. 

The notices will be mailed to every property owner within the city of Fort Atkinson, according to information released Monday. 

As stated in the release, the notices are a part of an “interim market update” underway to bring the city into compliance with assessment ratios set by state statute. 

“The overall assessment ratio of properties within the city is required to fall within 10% of market value or within a range of 90 to 110%,” the released noted.  

State law requires assessed values to be estimated as of Jan. 1 each year. 

According to the release, “open book” is a term which refers to a period of time when the completed assessment roll is open for examination. The period of time is an opportunity for property owners to discuss the assessed value of a property in the city with the assessor. 

Property owners may request information relating to the assessed value during the open-book period, the release continued. 

An in-person open book will be held at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building, 101 N. Main St., Wednesday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Open book also is offered by phone on Thursday, Aug. 31, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Open book appointments are made by calling: 920-749-1995. 

Additionally, the release stated, “If a property owner is not satisfied with the assessed value after open book, the property owner can make an appointment with the (city’s) Board of Review. The Board of Review will hear evidence and testimony for any formal objections to assessments and decide if changes should be made. Under state law, the Board of Review must presume the assessor’s valuation is correct unless the objector provides sufficient evidence to overcome that presumption.”  

“The city of Fort Atkinson has not been in compliance with state statutes relating to assessment ratio since 2019. If a municipality is out of compliance for five years in a row, the state will perform a revaluation at the municipality’s expense,” Michelle Ebbert, city clerk/treasurer/finance director, noted in the release.  

Board of Review will be held Tuesday, Sept. 26, between 9  and 11 a.m., and as needed at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building. 

According to the release, those interested in appearing before the Board of Review must complete an Objection to Real Property Assessment, form PA-115A, and submit it to Ebbert, who then will contact individuals to schedule an appointment. 

For more information on the interim market update, visit Those with questions about their assessment should contact Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc., by phone: 920-749-1995 or email:

For more information about the appeal process, contact Ebbert by phone: 920-397-9901 or email: 

Fort Atkinson Municipal Building, file photo/Chris Spangler. 

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