City receives $1.4 million block grant to eliminate blight

The city of Fort Atkinson announced Thursday that it is the recipient of just over $1.4 million awarded through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The grant is facilitated through the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources and was awarded for the purpose of eliminating blight within the city. 

“With these funds, the City will take deliberate steps toward elimination of blight in acknowledgement of future development opportunities, which are a core component of a vibrant and welcoming economy,” a press released from City Manager Rebecca Houseman-LeMire and City Engineer Andy Selle states. 

Within the release, a correspondence from the Department of Administration was cited, stating: “The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides federal funding to states through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Wisconsin uses this federal funding to provide affordable housing, suitable living environments, and expand economic opportunities for persons with low and moderate incomes.”

“With this statement in mind,” the release continues, “the City has functioned in close collaboration with members of the community to acquire properties, much of which encompass the former Loeb-Lorman Recycling Center.” The former center has addresses on Lorman, Hake and Oak streets. 

“These locations are positioned to support future developments in alignment with the City’s vision for projects that facilitate sustainable growth,” according to the release.

“This award presents an incredible opportunity for the City to eliminate blight and support the redevelopment of these properties. (City Council) President (Mason) Becker and the City Council had the long-range vision to understand the importance of purchasing these properties, and City staff has done an excellent job in implementing that vision,” Houseman-LeMire wrote in the release. 

The city is eager to utilize these funds and additional details will be issued by the office of the City Engineer as they become available, the release noted. 

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