Commentary: Voter support in Jefferson for EMS will result in six employees

Editor’s note: The following statement has been issued by Jefferson City Administrator Tim Freitag and Jefferson Fire Chief Ron Wegner. 


Yesterday, the residents of Jefferson voted to support the proposed public safety referendum to address staffing shortages in the Jefferson Fire and EMS Departments. Because of this support, Jefferson will be able to hire six full-time EMS fire-trained personnel and provide a competitive wage for volunteer fire department staff. 

The addition of these public safety personnel will address the increasing calls for service and outdated staffing structures that currently inhibit the department’s ability to adequately respond to those calls. We are thankful to our fire and EMS staff for their selfless service to our community. To respond to calls, they often need to leave their families and full-time jobs at a moment’s notice, sometimes several times a day. 

We also want to thank the Jefferson community for supporting public safety efforts in the city. The fire and EMS departments are honored to feel your support and proud to provide crucial service to you each and every day. 

City of Jefferson/file photo. 

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