Council to return to in-person meetings in September

By Kim McDarison

Fort Atkinson City Manager Rebecca Houseman LeMire Tuesday updated council members regarding the city’s intent to return to in-person meetings beginning Sept. 7. 

LeMire said upcoming meetings will be conducted using a hybrid format, allowing those wishing to attend to do so in person at the city’s municipal building or through Zoom. 

The council approved plans to install equipment to accommodate the use of a hybrid approach in June. 

In a related action, council approved a first reading of an amendment to city code, allowing electronic participation at meetings by members of the city council and its associated boards, commissions and committees. 

A second reading of the ordinance is anticipated to take place at the council’s next meeting scheduled for Sept. 7. 

Ordinances and amendments that change them in the city of Fort Atkinson are subject to three readings unless council opts to suspend its rules and waive additional readings. 

Reading from a memo to council, LeMire said: “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic over the last 18 months, the city has transitioned from in-person city council, board, commission and committee meetings to fully remote or virtual meetings. The city has been using the Zoom teleconference application to support virtual public meetings with success. City staff also use various teleconference applications for staff meetings, meetings with the public and consultants, and any other meetings when the virtual option is convenient and desirable.

“The City of Fort Atkinson desires to continue to support virtual public meetings through the pandemic and in the future when appropriate and convenient for the city council, members of boards, commissions, and committees; staff members; and the general public. Additionally, the city desires to provide an option for hybrid meetings in the future, when the city’s technology in the council meeting room allows for it, to support both in-person participation and virtual participate in a hybrid environment.”

Funding for upgrades to the council chamber to accommodate the hybrid format was approved in an amount not to exceed $31,766, with those monies coming through a grant provided by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which, City Clerk Michelle Ebbert said in June, provides some funding for eligible projects that include investments in public facilities or adaptations to public buildings to “implement COVID-19 mitigation tactics.” 

A story about upgrades approved for the council chamber to accommodate the hybrid meeting approach is here: 

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