County Board of Supervisors District 25 candidate shares views

Compiled by Kim McDarison

A spring general election will be held April 2.

In Fort Atkinson, all of the city’s wards, 1-13, are included in Jefferson County.

A story about districts, wards and the names of those candidates running for seats, is here:

Among districts including wards in Fort Atkinson there is a race in District 25 between incumbent Matthew Foelker and challenger Jaime Steffen. Both candidates were offered an opportunity to respond to a candidates questionnaire as supplied by Fort Atkinson Online.

Speaking with FAO by phone, Foelker indicted that he would consider making responses to our questionnaire by Thursday. To date, we have not received his responses. This story will be updated upon their receipt.

Responses provided by Steffen follow:

Name: Jaime Steffen

Age: 63

Address: N633 McIntyre Rd., Fort Atkinson 

Occupation: Retired corporate financial controller

Number of years resided in district: 47

Education: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater bachelor of accounting degree, 1990/certified management accounting (CMA)

Civic and other organizational memberships: member of Faith Community Church, Fort Atkinson, 47 years

Political experience: None

What are your reasons for seeking this position? 

After retiring from St. Coletta in Jefferson I wanted to use my financial and corporate management skills to the benefit of the surrounding area.  Too often people go through life not getting involved in helping manage our own government.  I feel like my skill set would be of great benefit to helping manage the county in a way which keeps taxes from rising and makes our county government more efficient and effective.  

What are the most pressing issues facing the position you seek?

Lessons learned in the broader corporate world where companies have had to learn to do more with less.  The county has limited funds to work with.  There are many demands for the available funds and it takes a good leader to keep the focus on the essentials of government services and away from wanting to solve every social ill that comes our way.  I am committed to ensuring the county makes wise use of available funds and avoids tax increases. 

If elected, what unique perspective and experience do you bring to the board? 

I have been a part of executive management teams for companies in the southeastern Wisconsin area helping to manage operations and personnel.  These companies employed several hundred to several thousand employees over not just the United States but internationally as well.  I bring a well-trained, common sense, no nonsense, perspective to financial management issues as well as keeping an eye on broader strategic goals and objectives.  I am also a small business owner, having founded and operated our family u-pick orchard business Steffen’s Cherry Orchard when I was 20 years old.  Along with my wife and family we have grown and expanded that business over the past decades and it now keeps three families busy.  Having lived and worked a farm and worked in the corporate world for over 30 years, Overall I bring a deep knowledge of how the world operates not just in Jefferson county but nationally and internationally.

Any additional comments? 

I look forward to serving the taxpayers of Jefferson County and doing what I can on the county board to protect our way of life in Jefferson county.  Thank you.

This story may be updated. 

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