County epidemiologist announces interim COVID-19 guidance for K-12 schools

Jefferson County epidemiologist Samroz Jakvani has announced recommendations for K-12 school districts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“By implementing this guidance, schools can continue providing students with safe and in-person instruction while protecting our community,” Jakvani said.

He said that currently, COVID-19 case rates have increased substantially over several weeks due to the emergence to the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This variant is known to be highly infectious compared to other variants of the virus.

While an increase in disease severity due to the Delta variant has not been observed at this time, the increased capacity of the virus has resulted in a higher number of overall new cases, according to Jakvani.

“It is crucial that we prevent the spread of COVID-19 to protect those of all ages who remain vulnerable to severe illness from COVID-19 and implement the appropriate strategies when they are needed,” he stated in a press release. “In-person learning is critical for the educational and social development of students of all ages.”

He said that the highest priority is to ensure that schools open and operate in a manner that prioritizes the health and safety of students, teachers, school staff, their families, and the community. 

“Preventing the spread of COVID-19, keeping children healthy, and meeting their educational and social needs are not mutually exclusive goals,” he said.

Jakvani shared information that reflects that of the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S Department of Education (DOE), Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). 

He noted that during the prior school year, many approaches to in-person instruction were implemented. The Jefferson County Health Department’s guidance for schools included thresholds developed at a time when COVID-19 vaccination was not available and prior to the emergence of the Delta variant. 

“It is vital to consider that vaccination is currently not available for individuals younger than age 12, though approval for some of these individuals is anticipated later this year,” the epidemiologist said. “It is also important to consider that SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus that we continue to learn about. 

“At this time, the long-term impact of COVID-19 and to what extent youth may be affected is not well understood, even though most infections do not appear to sustain any substantial impact in the short-term to the infected individual based on prior case data,” he continued. “It is also not well understood how the Delta variant will act different in school settings, though JCHD will closely follow case rates, trajectory, community transmission, outbreaks, vaccination rates, and demographic data related to new cases to assess the ongoing level of risk.

Given what is known about COVID-19 and several other factors, including current vaccination rates, case rates and the Health Department’s capacity to fully investigate each case, the Jefferson County Health Department is issuing the following interim recommendations to address the spread of COVID-19 in K-12 settings. 

This guidance will be reviewed over the coming weeks to assess the level of mitigation required, and changes will be communicated expediently to partners in Jefferson County schools and school districts. Case thresholds for classroom or building closure will also be communicated at that time.

Implementation of a masking requirement for all students, staff, and visitors in indoor settings. 

When case rates and other metrics holistically considered decrease to levels considered safe, the Jefferson County Health Department will notify school districts that face masks may be made optional. 

Factors taken into consideration include case rates, trajectory, community transmission, outbreaks, vaccination rates, and demographic data related to new cases. 

If masks are made optional and cases are seen to increase across the county or within the school, the Health Department may reinstitute a recommendation to require face masks.

• Implementation of quarantine for all close contacts of positively confirmed cases.

While shortened options for quarantines (seven and 10-days with appropriate testing and symptom monitoring) may be utilized to minimize interruptions in learning, 14-day quarantine upon exposure remains the safest option.

Vaccinated persons may refrain from quarantine, but should wear a mask for 14 days when around others, unless tested negative three to five days after exposure.

• On-site testing for symptomatic individuals or outbreak prevention purposes.

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has made testing resources available to any school interested in on-site testing to ensure that in-person learning is prioritized with minimal interruption.

Jaklvani said that In addition to the mitigation measures included in guidance from the CDC and DHS, the Jefferson County Health Department strongly recommends vaccination to protect the community from COVID-19. 

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