‘Cutest Pet in Fort’ contest winners announced

It was a formidable task, but the final results from our two panels of judges are in.

The winners of the “Cutest Pet in Fort” contest are: First place, “Bentley,” a pup whose breed and age were not disclosed, owned by Lora Palenik; Second place, “Guppy,” a 2-month-old kitten of unknown breed owned by Courtney Kreger, and “Aspen” and “Luci” pictured as they snuggled together. The duo of Russian blue and domestic short hair cats is owned by Lindsey Gaertig. Their ages are 5 and 1. 

Sixty-five photos were entered into our Fort Atkinson Online contest. Of those entries, our first panel of judges — including the staff of M.E. and My Pets pet supply store, with locations in Fort Atkinson and Whitewater; Jeff Okazaki, director of the Humane Society of Jefferson County; Holly Houston, former director of both the Dane County Humane Society and the Elmbrook Humane Society, retired, and Mabel Schumacher, treasurer of the Kennel Club of Fort Atkinson — narrowed the group to 20 finalists. Photos of all of our entrants and the finalists are found in an album which can be accessed by clicking on the photo below. 

Our second panel of judges, students in Shannon Lyon’s Fort Atkinson High School Vet Science class, chose our first-, second- and third-place winners. 

In our book, they are all winners. Thank you Fort Atkinson for sharing your pets, and congratulations to our winners! Fort Atkinson Online will be contacting our winners soon.  

Click on the photo above to view the “Cutest Pet in Fort” album. 

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