DOT to hold public hearing regarding proposed roundabout near Highway 106 

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include an additional graphic representation of the proposed roundabout as supplied by the Wisconsin DOT. 

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation on Wednesday released notification to the public that it will be holding a “public involvement meeting” to discuss improvements slated to take place in 2027 at the intersection of State Highway 106 and County Truck N in Jefferson County.

The meeting will be held Wednesday, Nov. 8, between 5 and 7 p.m. at the Town of Koshkonong Town Hall, W5609 Star School Rd., Fort Atkinson.

According to the release, “the objective of this meeting is to familiarize the public with the purpose and need for the project and to obtain input on the proposed improvements.

“This project is designed to improve safety by reconstructing the intersection of WIS 106 and County N to a single-lane roundabout. During construction WIS 106 and County N will be closed and detoured to through traffic. Construction is scheduled for 2027.”

Additionally, the release noted that adjacent property owners are encouraged to attend the meeting.

For more information, contact WisDOT Project Manager Matthew Lamb, by phone: 608-246-5638, or email: Written comments can be mailed to Matthew Lamb at 2101 Wright Street, Madison, WI 53704.

Citizens who are deaf or hard of hearing and require an interpreter may request one by contacting Matthew Lamb at least three working days prior to the meeting, the release stated.

Additionally, Lamb cited project overview information, a link to which is here:

The link includes information about navigating roundabouts, found here:, and roundabout statistics concerning efficiency and safety, found here:

A map, provided on the WisDOT website shows placement of a proposed roundabout at the intersection of County Truck N and State Highway 106. A public hearing about the project is slated in November. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2027. 

An image, as supplied by the WisDOT depicts plans for a roundabout to be construction at the intersection of State Highway 106 and County Trunk N. 

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