Whitewater Art Club slates second meeting

An art club hosted at the Wisconsin Makers building, 200 E. Clay St., Whitewater, will be holding the second in a series of ongoing weekly meetings focused on art instruction, according to information released by club organizers. 

The meetings, slated to take place each Thursday, feature free drawing instruction conducted by Whitewater resident Mike Alvarez. 

Meetings are held between 4:30 and 6 p.m. and are open to participants of all ages. 

“You can start at any time; these are not formal academic classes. These classes are to have fun and spark imagination,” Alvarez was quoted as saying in the release. 

During the club’s introductory meeting, which was held last Thursday, attendees were invited to participate in several exercises designed to train their eye to look more objectively at everyday objects. 

During the upcoming meeting, participants will address other drawing techniques, including paper-cut art, the release noted. 

Alvarez particularly enjoys drawing, painting, woodcarving, woodworking and pottery, and eventually plans to expand his instruction into other areas, the release stated. 

Alvarez, who is bilingual, said that he would like to generate interest in the club from within the Latino community.

For more information about the art club and opportunities for free art instruction, contact Alvarez by phone: 920-397-1022 or email: whitewaterartclub@gmail.com.

For more information about the makerspace facility, contact Chris Spangler by phone: 920-728-2960.

An earlier story about the club and opportunities available at the makerspace is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/whitewater-resident-wisconsin-makers-group-collaborate-to-form-arts-crafts-club/.

Whitewater Art Club members try their hand at drawing their hand. The exercise was among those introduced to club members during an introductory club meeting held last Thursday. Contributed photo. 

A young student’s art attracts the attention of Whitewater Art Club instructor Mike Alvarez, standing, as she draws a picture of her hand. Contributed photo. 

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