The Fort Atkinson Library Board voted Monday to eliminate fines on all materials checked out from the Dwight Foster Public Library.
A list of frequently asked questions follows:
Why is the library eliminating all fines on library materials?
The mission of the Dwight Foster Public Library is to help people achieve their full potential by being a leading resource for information, education, culture, and recreation. We believe in access to information. We hope that by eliminating overdue fines on all library materials, small mistakes will not prevent anyone from using the library.
What does “fine free” mean?
Starting February 15, 2021, the Dwight Foster Public Library will no longer charge overdue fines on library materials checked out at our library. Overdue fines will still apply if you check out a Fort item at any other library.
What happens if I don’t return my items by the due date?
If you do not return your item(s) by the due date, you will receive overdue notices as a reminder but your account will not accrue overdue fines. If the item is still not received by 6 weeks past the original due date, your account will be charged the replacement cost of the item and a bill will be mailed to you. Bring back this item as soon as possible and the replacement cost may go away.
For items that are long overdue, the library may utilize the services of either the police department or a collection agency to retrieve materials or collect payment for their replacement. Once a patron’s account is sent to the collection agency, the items may no longer be returned for credit as they may already have been replaced. At that point, the patron is responsible for paying for the item(s) through the collection agency.
Will I ever be charged anything?
While we will no longer charge overdue fines on materials checked out at our library, we will still charge replacement fees for lost, damaged, or long overdue items.
Contact the library at (920) 563-7790 for additional information.
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