Ernie Pope Scholastic Art Show winners announced

By Kim McDarison

Winners of the 30th Annual Ernie Pope Scholastic Art Show were announced Tuesday, June 1, during a ceremony held in Barrie Park. 

The art was on display in windows of downtown Fort Atkinson businesses for a two-week period in May. 

During the ceremony Fort Community Credit Union (FCCU) CEO Sue Johnson welcomed those in attendance on behalf of the art show’s sponsors, including FCCU, AC Business Media and Nasco. 

“I want to start by congratulating all our young artists with work on display tonight. The judges, sponsors, teachers, and parents are all very impressed with your work,” Johnson said. 

School District of Fort Atkinson art teacher Frank Korb was on hand to give a brief history of the Ernie Pope Art Show. 

Korb said the show began in 1990, noting that Ernie Pope, who worked for Johnson Hill Press, was a strong supporter of the arts. 

“Ernie believed that Fort Atkinson students had significant artistic talent and he wanted to encourage it. He approached the art teachers at the time and proposed the scholastic art awards. The show then was much the way it is now with each elementary, middle and high school art teacher choosing a specific number of works, displaying them for a show in the spring, and (it) included generous monetary prizes for award winners and a printed award and ribbon for every participant. It has always been an honor to be chosen to take part in the show, an indication that we, as your art teachers, believe strongly in the quality and creativity of your work,” Korb said. 

Korb described the show as “greatly anticipated by our students,” and said it “brought great joy to Ernie,” whom, he said, “succumbed to cancer a few years back.”

Korb thanked the show’s sponsors, and the Fort Atkinson Community Foundation for its role in helping to fund the awards presented during the ceremony. 

He further thanked the Main Street businesses which participated this year by allowing art to be displayed in their windows, and the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce for “donating time, space, money, food, supplies and volunteering to help with setup and the reception here tonight.”

Before announcing award winners, Johnson said: “It is an amazing history; all together over 4,080 young artists have had their work selected for the show, and over 900 have been recognized with an award in the 30 years of the Ernie Pope Scholastic Art Show.” 

This year’s winners include nine Bronze Award recipients, all of whom will receive a ribbon, a certificate and an award of $25.

Elementary school Bronze winners are:

  • “Brightest Witch of Her Age,” by Sophie Lonsdale.
  • “MVP,” by Colton Barnes.
  • “Bushel of Fun.” by Grace Nevermann.

Middle school Bronze winners are:

  • “Savanna,” by Mackenna Farrell.
  • “Deconstructed Apple,” by Kylie Block. 
  • “Mushroom Vase,” by Callie Draves.

High school Bronze winners are:

  • “Sky and Water.” by Raven Jahns.
  • “213 Flowers,” Jessica Sharp. 
  • “Hip-Hop,” by Maya Williams.

Six Silver Award winners, all of whom will receive a ribbon, a certificate and an award of $50 were recognized this year.

Elementary school Silver winners are:

  • “Colorful Splatter,” by Grace Michalak.
  • “Winter Bird,” by Mason Seeber.

Middle school Silver winners are:

  • “Tippy Toes,” by Kylie Luebke.
  • “Hope in the Darkness,” by Cassandra Chase.

High school Silver winners are:

  • “Jelly,” by Dania Saucedo.
  • “Wonder,” by Jose Payano.

Six Gold Award winners, all of whom will receive a ribbon, a certificate and an award of $75 also were recognized.

Elementary school Gold winners are:

  • “Multiple Emotions,” by Sophia Bowie.
  • “Pink Mountain,” by Alexandria Luebke.

Middle school Gold winners are:

  • “Rat Boy,” by  Willow Severin.
  • “Peaceful Pond,” by Daisy Heussner.

High school Gold winners are:

  • “Self Portrait,” by Hilde Rue.
  • “This is Me,” by Gracie Gustin.

Johnson further noted that business sponsors each year select a few pieces which they purchase, frame, and hang permanently in their offices. This year, AC Business Media selected: 

  • “Fish in Troubled Waters,” by Carter Lemke.
  • “Sky and Water,” by Raven Jahns.
  • “The Beach,” by Wyatt Buchli.

FCCU selected:  

  • “City Skyline,” by Hannah Heselbacher. 
  • “Nighttime at the Village,” by Isabella Ehlers. 
  • “The Happy World,” by  Ella Hansen.
  • “Starfish Scales,” by Callie Enger. 

Also chosen were two recipients of the June Farrell Award, which was new this year. The award is made possible by local artist Robert Farrell in honor of his mother. Robert Farrell’s work is in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s Renwick Gallery of American Craft, Johnson said.

Recipients were chosen based on artistic merit with each receiving a certificate and $75. They were Emerson Reese and Brian Trader. 

Also new this year was a Popular Choice Award, given to Lillana Falci. 

Also chosen was the winner of the 30th Ernie Pope Poster Award. This year’s winner was Aubrey Meacham for her work, “Paint my Voice.” She received a ribbon, certificate and $100. 

Art submitted by all winners and entrants can be viewed here:

Several pieces of student art stand ready for viewing as part of the 30th Annual Ernie Pope Art Show. The works were displayed within the windows of several Main Street businesses in downtown Fort Atkinson in May. An awards ceremony was held June 1 recognizing works in several categories. 

Kim McDarison photo. 

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