Need firewood?
There is a nice supply of it right now at the Fort Atkinson compost site.
Located behind Memorial Park on the city’s southeast side, the compost site is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, with extended hours until sunset on Wednesday; and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. It is closed on holidays.
The free firewood is located just past the electronics recycling trailer on the right after entering the compost site.
Note that the large trees and wood on the left upon entering the gates of the compost site are not for public use. They are sold by the city in lots.
Meanwhile, remember that when bringing items into the compost site, the acceptable ones include brush, grass clippings, leaves, garden and flower plant materials.
Not accepted are rocks, gravel, cement, food waste, kitchen waste, trash, cardboard, and paper and plastic bags.
Meanwhile, brush pickup is on the first and second Tuesdays of the month, respectively, until December.
Brush pickup is by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, call (920) 563-7771 and provide your name, address, telephone number, email and any necessary instructions. Also, include a cross-street if located on a corner.
In order to guarantee pickup, schedule the appointment a minimum of 24 hours prior to the desired service date.
Only brush that is more than three-quarters of an inch in diameter at the cut end and more than 3 inches in length should be placed at the curb for collection. Anything smaller will plug the chipper and thus must be taken to the compost site.
Brush should be put at the curb and piled neatly with the cut end facing the street.
Also at the compost site, the electronic waste trailer is open on Wednesdays from 3 p.m. to sunset and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Household appliances also may be dropped off at this time.
Electronic items such as laptop computers, printers, flat-screen televisions, flat-screen computer monitors, computer peripherals, DVD players, digital videorecorders, VCRs, radios, CD players fax machines and cellphones may be dropped off at no charge.
Due to an increase in recycling costs, there is a $25 fee per old-style “tube” televisions, console televisions and old-style computer monitors. Please have exact change or a check ready to pay the attendant when dropping off these items.
Also, items such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, dishwashers, toasters, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, blenders, toaster ovens, air conditioners and any other small household appliances may be dropped off on the cement pad at no charge.
All refrigerators or freezers must be clean and have all doors and glass shelving removed before being dropped off.
Salvaging is not allowed.
Other items not accepted at the compost site are: glass, batteries of any kind, light bulbs, smoke detectors, mercury containing devices, X-ray devices, exit signs, contaminated medical equipment, any materials containing PCBs, furniture and items that are run by gasoline, diesel or kerosene due to a fire hazard.

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