On behalf of the Fort Atkinson Boys Soccer Team, we would like to thank the community for everything they have done to support us on our journey. We are proud and humbled to be the first Fort Atkinson soccer team to earn a trip to the state soccer competition.
Thank you to our coaches, Head Coach Lovejoy & assistant coaches: Johnson, Larson, Mogel, Stoutenborough and Zamani. We appreciate your hard work, dedication, and patience in helping us come together as a team. We would also like to thank our teammates and managers for their hard work all season long. We grew together during our short season and we had FUN playing soccer!
Thank you to our parents for their support and encouragement. They sat through some beautiful days and days where they were bundled up like it was the middle of winter! They were our best cheerleaders and we appreciate them! A special shout out to the soccer moms who made our week before state extra special through LOTS of last minute last minute planning & coordination.
Thank you to Dick Schultz, one of our biggest fans. We appreciated Dick’s visits to talk to the team about soccer history. Dick is enthusiastic about Fort Atkinson soccer! Additional thanks to Rudy Kessler and to the Fort Atkinson Youth Soccer Association (FAYSA) for their enthusiasm and support of our accomplishments. It was great to involve the next generation of soccer players in the celebration.
Thank you to the School District; Steve Mahoney and the Athletic Department; Booster Club; students and staff. We appreciate all the extra efforts people took to make the week special. Thank you for the spirit parade, thank you to the drummers who accompanied us on our victory march around school and; to everyone rallying around the team. Special thanks to the “Solo Cup Team,” Paige Huppert, Nora Congdon, Ruth Stiemke, Maddy Kontny and Jackson Fenner. They placed over 1400 red cups in the high school fence line wishing us “good luck.”
Thank you to the teachers, staff and students at St. Joseph Catholic School for writing each of the team members notes of encouragement, making banners, and for cheering us on. Thank you to Father Tim Renz for the pre-game blessing. Thank you to the Crown of Life Christian Academy for the banners.
Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce and businesses who displayed posters, signs and well-wishes. Thank you to Opportunities, Inc.; TJK Wolf Productions, Salamone’s Italian Pizzeria, Logo-Works, and Verlo.
Thank you to the local media for the great coverage: Daily Jefferson County Union, WFAW, and Fort Atkinson Online. Thank you to Vern Zech for the FaceBook coverage.
When we rode through town on Friday night, we were surprised and proud to see so many people cheering for us! The enthusiasm was overwhelming! Thank you to our dads who helped with the parade: Jeff Davis, Andy Koehler, Travis Larson and Shane Worden. Thank you to Klement Towing and to the Police and Fire Departments for the escort.
Thank you to the entire community for your enthusiasm for our team and accomplishments. We will never forget this experience!
Soccer Team Captains: Eli Koehler, Landon Zorn, Jimmy Keelty and Scott Buchta
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