The Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Chapter has announced that it will be sponsoring the DAR student history essay contest.
The contest is open to students in grades 5-12 throughout the Jefferson County area.
The contest is open to all student, including those in public, private and parochial schools, and those who are homeschooled.
According to a recent news release, the contest is organized into two components, with students in grades 5-8 participating in the first component and students in grades 9-12 participating in the second.
Grades 5-8
Students in grades 5-8 are instructed to write their essays about being a “Delegate to the Second Continental Congress,” as stated in the release, which met from May 1775 to March of 1781.
Students are asked to choose a colony, which they will then represent, and describe, within their essay, “what would be important to the colony and what he (or) she would work on and try to accomplish during the first year,” the release noted.
Grades 9-12
Students in grades 9-12 are instructed to select a figure from the Revolutionary War era — 1773 to 1783 — and discuss in their essay how he or she influenced the course of the American Revolution. Within their writing, the student would describe this person and his or her contribution to the founding of a new nation, the release stated.
According to the release, specific format and judging details are available. For more information, contact American History Chair, Vicki Schicker by phone: 920-541-3332 or e-mail:
“The due date for the essay is in January of 2023,” the release concluded.

According to the Library of Congress, the above image depicts George Washington being promoted to major general by the Continental Congress. During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress appointed and promoted 29 officers to major general, the highest rank under Washington. (Baltimore: Clearfield, 1982) Currier & Ives, 1876. (Library of Congress).
The image, with its full caption is here:
Unknown artist, painting printed by Currier & Ives, 1876, part of the Library of Congress collection/public domain.
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