Winners of Lemonade Day were announced Sunday, June 5, during the BASE Wings and Wheels Fly-In Breakfast.
According to information released by the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce, one of the sponsors of Lemonade Day, which was held in May, the following participants have been recognized: The winner of the best stand contest was awarded to Colton Bree and Gretta Denham. The stand was sponsored by Homes for Independent Living. Recognition for the best tasting lemonade was awarded to Jack and Melanie Barr. The entrepreneur of the year and winner of a brand-new bike was Audrey Wendt.
This year marked the second in which the Lemonade Day event was held in Fort Atkinson. Eleven lemonade stands were built by young entrepreneurs who presented their wares to customers.
Along with the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce, the event was sponsored by Fort Community Credit Union and BASE (Badgerland Afterschool Enrichment Program) and was designed to bring free, fun, and experiential learning to kids with the goal of teaching them how to start, own and operate their very own business, the release stated.
In addition to the “Presenting Sponsor,” Fort Community Credit Union, and “Main Squeeze” sponsors Badger Bank, Johnson Financial Group, and Professional Collectors Corp, several local businesses offered “Safe Stand” locations and supported the young entrepreneurs on Lemonade Day. They were: Five Star Antiques and Vintage, Paddy Coughlin’s Pub, Rock River Dental, Jones Market, Fort Driftskippers Snowmobile Club, Big Bluestem Market Collective, PremierBank, Nasco, Good2Go, Group Health Cooperative of SC WI and Jones Market, the release continued.
Stacy Poole, contest sponsor and a representative from Homes for Independent Living, from left; Marissa Weidenfeller, BASE Board Member; Chris Scherer, Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce board president; Stephanie Von Alven, a representative from Good2Go, which served as a Safe Stand location; a representative from the Red Cross; Sue Johnson, president of FCCU, which was a presenting sponsor; Audrey Wendt, Lemonade Day entrepreneur of the year and winner of a new bicycle, and Anna Jensen, associate director of the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce, are pictured at the BASE Wings and Wheels Fly-In Breakfast. The event was held June 5. Contributed photo.
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