Fort Fire Department inducts, promotes members

Fort Atkinson city officials announced Wednesday that the Fort Atkinson Fire Department on Tuesday held an induction and promotional ceremony. The event was held at the Fort Atkinson fire station. 

Among those sworn in were: firefighters/EMT-advanced Josh Bull and Brandon Rogneby, captains Michael Lawson and Michael Vorpahl, Division Chief Robbie Allard, and Fire Chief Bruce Peterson, who was hired to fill the role in February. 

Retired Division Chief Tom Gerondale also was honored at the ceremony, according to the city’s release.

Additionally, the release noted, Peterson, during the ceremony, introduced Fort Atkinson Police and Fire Commission chairman Philip Jones. 

During the ceremony, the release stated, Fort Atkinson City Manager Rebecca Houseman offered comments about the department’s history, including its recent transition to a full-time Fire/EMS department.

Within the release, the city manager was quoted as saying: “It wasn’t all that long ago that we were facing a bit of a crisis here. Fire calls were increasing, EMS calls were increasing above the capacity of the city’s former service provider, and our dedicated paid-on-call folks were burning out.

“The people in this room remember those days and all the work it took to terminate (a former EMS service provider’s) contract, secure additional funding from taxpayers with the referendum, implement a new hybrid full-time and paid-on-call staff model, and now provide paramedic-level EMS service, as well as fire protection, fire prevention and rescue services.”

further, the release noted, “Houseman emphasized the department has the support of city administration and the city council.”

The release continued, quoting Houseman as saying: “Robbie Allard was very engaged in the referendum. His ears were always to the ground, and he let me know what we needed to do throughout the referendum process to shift messaging to be successful. In fact, his whole family was involved. I’m pleased to be a part of his promotional ceremony to division chief tonight.”

Allard served as a paid-on-call member before he was hired and previously served in the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, the release read. 

Capt. Mike Lawson also was a paid-on-call member of the department before being hired full time, the release stated. 

“He was engaged in the referendum process and I’m pleased to see his promotion to captain tonight. Mike’s promotion is a chance to show the strength of introverted leaders, a category I put myself in,” the release reported Houseman as saying during the ceremony.

Mike Vorpahl and Houseman grew up in Janesville together, the release continued. 

“Our families were friends way back, many years ago. I hadn’t heard his name in many, many years, until about two years ago when former (Fort Atkinson Fire) Chief (Daryl) Rausch said to me, ‘we have to get Mike.’ He is an EMS rock star,” Houseman continued, as reported by the release.

Brandon Rogneby is another city employee who dedicated on and off work time to the fire department through his time as a paid-on-call firefighter, the release noted, with Houseman reported as saying:  “He also had the goal of being a full-time member and knew he had to go back to school to do it and he did that. I’m very proud that we’re able to grow our own and promote from within.” 

Houseman welcomed the department’s newest member, Josh Bull, during the ceremony. 

Bull comes to Fort Atkinson from the Ixonia Fire Department where he was a full-time EMS lieutenant, according to the release. 

“We’re able to hire you and provide first-class service to the residents of our city and our service area because of this community’s commitment to this department and services you all provide. So I hope you can see and feel that commitment tonight and I welcome you,” Houseman stated.

During the ceremony, the release noted, Houseman thanked Peterson for his “willingness to take on the challenges of the department earlier this year.” 

Said Houseman: “You have experience working with combination departments consisting of full-time and paid-on-call members. I know that the decision you have made and the decisions you will make in the future will be informed by these really important experiences. I have the utmost confidence in your ability to lead this department into the future.”

Fort Atkinson City Council President Davin Lescohier, the release noted, “said he grew up down the street from the fire station and remembers his neighbor jumping in his truck to head out to a fire at a moment’s notice.”

“It’s probably part of why when I was growing up, I either wanted to be a baseball player, an astronaut, or a firefighter. I can’t say enough about the character of the people here,” he was quoted as saying in the release.

After the prepared remarks, Peterson discussed the “oath,” which was administered by Fort Atkinson City Clerk Michelle Ebbert, according to the release. 

Said Peterson: “The oath is just not a formality. It is a solemn promise to serve with integrity, courage, and dedication. By taking this oath, our new firefighters commit themselves to the core values of the department and their service to the citizens of the city of Fort Atkinson.” 

Fort Atkinson Fire Chief Bruce Peterson, from left, Capt. Mike Lawson, firefighter/EMT-advanced Brandon Rogneby, Fort Atkinson City Manger Rebecca Houseman, Capt. Mike Vorpahl, firefighter/EMT-advanced Josh Bull and Division Chief Robbie Allard, gather Tuesday following an induction and promotional ceremony held at the Fort Atkinson fire station. Contributed photo. 

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