Fort goes trick-or-treating 

Fort Atkinson celebrated Halloween with trick-or-treating on Sunday.

Ghosts, goblins, superheroes, witches, and a variety of cartoon and movie characters, among others, walked the streets from 1 to 4 p.m. While temperatures were cold, the sun was out, a breeze was low and spirits were high.

There will be more candy-gathering Tuesday, Oct. 31, at the Trunk-or-Treat in Jones Park. Hours are 6 to 8 p.m. Admission is free.

FAO freelance reporter Chris Spangler, working to accomplish two tasks at once, greeted some 325 trick-or-treaters, by her count, at her home on Fort Atkinson’s north side, while also reporting about the activity. 

Following are photos of the various creatures appearing Sunday on Spangler’s doorstep. 

“Mr. Clean,” at left, accompanied by a friend, arrives to select a treat on Monroe Street.

Siblings, Melanie Wehr, at left, dressed as “Seymour” and holding “Audrey II” from “Little Shop of Horrors,” and Andrea Wehr, dressed as a witch, greet visitors at their aunt Chris Spangler’s house. 

Gina Elmore, Fort Atkinson, dresses as a unicorn to welcome trick-or-treaters.

A trio of skeletons make candy selections.

Children dressed as an excavator, at left, and a monkey trick-or-treat on Monroe Street.

Three photos above: Parents and family members escort youngsters while helping them organize their treats.

Two photos above: A family dresses as characters in “Peter Pan,” including “Tinkerbell”  and “Captain Hook.” 

Bananas stroll along Monroe Street.

A “Culver’s employee” makes a candy stop. 

Two photos above, A scary clown, at top, and plump chicken, above, accompany trick-or-treaters in Fort Atkinson.

Two photos above: Youngsters select the candies of their choice.

Chris Spangler photos

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One Comment

  1. NY

    Born and raised in Fort Atkinson with over 5 decades of family still still there and 4 generations still growing I have always loved how our community got together for Halloween candy, hot dogs, apple cider. This year however was less intriguing because we called Fn Chinks in my hometown, while these 2 female high schoolers laughed on the corner. And we did not feel threatened so we did approach them while they denied the whole accusations.. Not sure what this community has come too but having to teach my 7 and 8 yr old that there will always be racism and we just have to be the better person.

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