Fort High holds senior portfolio exit interviews

By Chris Spangler

Students who will be graduating from Fort Atkinson High School next month participated in senior portfolio exit interviews Wednesday.

The Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce joined with the School District of Fort Atkinson to pair each senior with two interviewers for 20-minute chats about his or her past, present and future.

The chamber recruited the community members while high school Associate Principal Brad Gefvert enlisted school district staff and building principals to participate.

On Wednesday, 223 seniors and early graduates were interviewed as part of a graduation requirement.

“The overall purpose is for each student to brag about themselves. Seniors get to show off the work they have done throughout their educational careers,” Gefvert said.

Students are reminded of the process every September at their class meetings. They also are emailed the portfolio guidelines sheet each year.

“The majority of the work is done throughout their senior year. Seniors choose a staff member as a senior mentor and they meet one to two times per month during our enrichment time to go through the portfolio requirements,” Gefvert added. 

Gefvert explained that each student has two essays in his or her portfolio.

“One is their personal statement on how they got to where they are today. The second is a next-steps essay that includes what the senior wants to do after high school and how they are going to get there,” he said. 

Other potential items in the students’ portfolios are examples of community service and volunteerism, organizations to which they belong and awards and other recognitions they have received.

On Wednesday, each student shared his or her portfolio with a pair of interviewers.

“The interviewers are given a base set of questions, and are encouraged to ask other specific questions that are specific to the student’s portfolio,” Gefvert said.

Among the questions were:

• Tell us how you are feeling about your upcoming graduation.

• From the information you have placed in your portfolio, it appears you will be going to (college, work, tech, military, etc.). Would you please comment on your career goals?

• What do you think you will be doing in the near future, for example, five years from now?

• Show us examples of work contained in your portfolio that will help you with achieving your future goals.

• What could the school have done to better prepare you for high school graduation and beyond?

• Were there any teachers or staff members who made a significant impact on you while here at Fort Atkinson High School?

• What kind of things did you learn in high school which will help you in the future?

• Portfolios will continue to be a part of the Fort Atkinson graduation process. Can you give us suggestions on how to improve the process?

School District of Fort Atkinson Superintendent Rob Abbott, at right, and Nicole Miller, center, interview senior Daemon Konsela.

Sherry Stelse, at left, and Fort Atkinson Police Officer Dan Hefty, center, interview Malia Albers during the senior portfolio exit interviews.

Senior Owen Schroedl, at right, listens to questions from interviewers Stephanie Ramer, center, and Janielle Kutz.

Senior Lizbeth Gallegos, at left, talks with Candy Allard, center, and Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce Associate Director Anna Jensen during her senior portfolio exit interview.

Senior Evan Dudzek, at right, is interviewed by Sherrie Siglinsky, at left, and Mike Czerwonka.

Members of the community and students gather at tables in the Fort Atkinson High School IMC for the senior portfolio exit interviews Wednesday. Seated at the table above are Bob Cheek, from left, and Jan Walden as they chat with senior Grace Hoye. 

Chris Spangler photos. 

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