Fort Homeless Coalition open meeting to be held Nov. 15

The Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson has announced it will be holding an open general meeting, Monday, Nov. 15.

The meeting, which is open to the public, will be held at 6:30 p.m., in the Community Room at the Dwight Foster Public Library, 209 Merchants Avenue, Fort Atkinson.  

According to a recent press release, coalition organizers are inviting members of the public to hear an update on its progress in working to lessen homelessness locally.

Those attending the meeting will also be able to meet the coalition’s new director, learn how the coalition interacts with other agencies, and review the coalition’s future plans and goals. 

Within the release, organizers said: “We will be launching a capital campaign to raise money to buy a home to help stabilize a family and teach them how to budget and find support needed to turn their lives around.”

The release further noted that discussion will follow the meeting. 

Opportunities are available to volunteer at the coalition’s emergency shelter at the Methodist Church, and volunteers are needed to paint the coalition’s new rental facility, which, the release stated, is “thanks to Fort Healthcare.”

Meeting attendees will also learn about additional ways to donate time or money, the release noted. 

According to the release, a “generous” matching-funds grant, provided by the Fort Atkinson Community Foundation, will provide resources, matching community donations dollar for dollar.

The coalition asked, within the release, that community members remember “those less fortunate,” as the winter season approaches and “give them a boost. 

“We are not looking to provide handouts, but rather a helping hand,” the press released stated.   

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