Fort Lions install 2021-2022 officers

The Fort Atkinson Lions Club earlier this month installed officers for the 2021-2022 service year, according to a recent press release. 

The 2020-2021 club President Russ Turk performed the installations. 

Officers who will be serving the club and the community in the upcoming year, include: 

Dave Ring, who will serve as club president. He will preside at all meetings and appoint the administrative and activities committees and act as an ex-officio member of each of these committees.

Lisa Hood is the newly elected club secretary and Michelle Ebbert is the newly elected club financial secretary. Their roles are vital as the liaisons between the Fort Atkinson Lions Club and Lions Clubs International and between the club and the district governor’s organization. They see that all communications are properly shared with the board of directors and membership, including club records, minutes, committee appointments and attendance records.

Serving as club treasurer is Steve Schafer. He serves as custodian of all club funds. He assists the finance committee in preparing a budget and financial information.

Eric Schultz, Rob Stine and Mason Becker have been elected to serve as vice presidents. Schultz is third vice president, Stine is second vice president, and Becker is the first vice president. Club vice presidents oversee the functioning of their assigned committees.

Kevin Becker is the membership chair. He leads the Membership Committee and helps develop and implement a membership growth program. 

Donna Peterson will serve as the club’s service coordinator. She encourages members to report their service hours and reports service hours to Lions Club International. 

Nancy Onufer and Carl Baio will both continue in the second year of their two-year terms on the board of directors. Glen Schaefer and Betty Strese were newly elected to serve as directors, each for a two-year term. The directors assist in formulating and executing the policies of the club. 

Trish Jonas and Rick James are the new “Tail Twister” and “Assistant Tail Twister,” respectively. With their outgoing personalities, they encourage good feelings and enthusiasm in the meetings. Much of the success of the meetings will depend upon their resourcefulness in promoting fellowship, fun and laughter. 

Nate Dunlop will serve as “Lion Tamer.” He is responsible for the club’s property and serves as the official greeter to guests and members.

The club looks forward to the upcoming year and plans to continue to serve the community. To learn more about the Fort Atkinson Lions Club visit, or call the Club Membership Chair Kevin Becker at 920-650-8005.  For Lions Clubs International information, visit  

The Fort Atkinson Lions Club 2021-2022 officers team stands ready to serve the community. 

Submitted photo. 

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