Fort observes Memorial Day

By Kim McDarison

Fort Atkinson residents turned out en masse Monday to honor fallen soldiers. 

The Memorial Day observance, organized by the American Legion Post 166 Memorial Day Committee of Fort Atkinson, included among its activities a parade, which began at the American Legion Dugout in downtown Fort Atkinson and ended in Evergreen Cemetery on the north end of Main Street late Monday morning. 

The parade was followed by an observance which featured American Legion Post 166 Commander Joel Osmundson as master of ceremonies and Tom Freeman who delivered the invocation. 

The program further included the reading of the Gettysburg Address by Abbey Hoffman, a Fort Atkinson High School junior and Class of 2022 co-president, and the reading of Logan’s Orders by Mary Ellen Moran, a senior at Fort Atkinson High School.

A ceremony held to decorate the soldiers monument at Evergreen Cemetery included flowers placed on the monument by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1879 representative Bill Imsland, American Legion Post 166 representative Steve Leggett, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 409 representative Steve Swader  and Disabled American Veterans representative Al Olsen. 

During the observance, “Taps” was played by Fort Atkinson High School students Elly Scheuerell and Mackenzie Horwath and The National Anthem was played by the Fort Atkinson High School Band. 

An Honor Guard, commanded by Post 166 Adjutant Richard Miles, was also present during the ceremony. 

Following are photographs taken of the parade as it arrived on the north end of Main Street near Evergreen Cemetery and inside the cemetery during the observance. 

Veterans of Foreign Wars  (VFW) Post 1879 Commander Bill Imsland rides along Main Street. Imsland recently earned his “white hat,” a distinction given each year to VFW commanders who have met certain criteria. The distinction makes Imsland an all-state commander. 

The Fort Atkinson Memorial Day Parade arrives on the north end of Main Street. 

A Fort Atkinson Fire Department vehicle delights young parade-goers as it travels along Main Street. 

American Legion Post 166 Commander Joel Osmundson rides in the parade. 

A military vehicle pulls a trailer from which a young patriot waves a flag. 

Legion Chaplain Roger Faultersak, at left, travels in the parade.

Ladies Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars 1879 treasurer Faith Elford rides in the parade. 

Betty Schelb of the American Legion Post 166 Auxiliary rides in the parade. 

The Fort Atkinson High School Band marches in the parade.

Young patriots travel with the parade handing out American flags. 

Daughters of the American Revolution members march in the parade. 

Members of Cub Scout Pack 137 march in the parade. 

Leaving Main Street, the parade turns into the driveway at Evergreen Cemetery. 

Cub Scout Pack 137 arrives at Evergreen Cemetery. 

The Fort Atkinson High School Band arrives at Evergreen Cemetery. 

Richard Miles, serving as commander of the Honor Guard, arrives at Evergreen Cemetery. 

Program speakers, Mary Ellen Moran, a senior at Fort Atkinson High School, from left, and Abbey Hoffman, a junior and co-president of the Class of 2022, wait for instructions in advance of the program. 

Above two: Memorial Day program organizers make final preparations before beginning the observance in Evergreen Cemetery. 

First Vice Commander Post 166 Tom Freeman offers the invocation with Legion Commander Joel Osmundson standing by. 

At the podium, speaker Abbey Hoffman reads the Gettysburg Address. 

At the podium, speaker Mary Ellen Moran reads Logan’s Orders. 

Above two: the Honor Guard stands in vigil as speakers address the audience assembled in Evergreen Cemetery. 

“Taps” is played by Fort Atkinson High School students Elly Scheuerell, pictured center,  and Mackenzie Horwath.

The Fort Atkinson High School Band plays the National Anthem. 

Above three: Attendees display reverence during the ceremony for those who have fallen. 

Above two: Many were in attendance to honor fallen solders during the Memorial Day observance held in Evergreen Cemetery. 

Al Olsen, representing Disabled American Veterans, approaches the soldiers monument. He next placed a flower in honor of fallen soldiers. 

Children attend the observance in Evergreen Cemetery. 

Above four: Fort Atkinson residents line the streets in anticipation of the Memorial Day parade. 

A Fort Atkinson police officer guides traffic away from the route in advance of the parade’s arrival. 

Above two: Names of Fort Atkinson’s fallen soldiers are found in Evergreen Cemetery’s Memorial Court near the soldiers monument. 


Photos by Kim McDarison 

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