Fort police: Memorial Day parade shifts to processional due to bridge construction

The Fort Atkinson Police Department released on Wednesday information regarding a shift in plans associated with the Memorial Day parade. 

According to the release, the American Legion Post 166 Memorial Day parade is shifting to a processional, which will be held Monday, May 30, at 10:30 a.m. 

The processional, which is anticipated to last 10 minutes, will follow a ceremony at the Fort Atkinson American Legion, 201 S. Water St. E., according to the release. 

The change was made “due to the Robert Street Bridge construction project” the release stated. 

The release noted that a procession of cars and walkers will be led from the American Legion to Evergreen Cemetery by squad cars from the Fort Atkinson Police Department. The Jefferson County Emergency Communications group will be assisting Fort Atkinson Police with blocking traffic on streets adjacent to Main Street. 

Those interested in watching the event should sit north of the intersection of North Main Street and Madison Avenue, the release advised. 

A ceremony will take place as initially planned at the Evergreen Cemetery. 

“The city of Fort Atkinson values the sacrifice of service veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country. 

“The procession is expected to last under 10 minutes to have a smaller impact on traffic in the downtown area,” the release stated. 

Those with questions about the Memorial Day processional down Main Street should contact the Fort Atkinson Police Department at 920-563-7777, the release concluded.  

The Fort Atkinson Police Department leads the Memorial Day parade along Main Street in 2021. The parade will shift this year to a processional due to construction on the Robert Street bridge, the department announced in a press release Wednesday. The processional is anticipated to begin at 10:30 a.m. Monday and last for approximately 10 minutes. The change is meant to deliver a minimal impact to traffic flow on Main Street. 

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