Fort students go back to school

Wednesday marked the first day of the 2021-22 school year for many students in the School District of Fort Atkinson. 

Pupils at all four elementary schools were in attendance, while only sixth- and ninth-graders started classes at the middle and elementary schools, respectively, so they could get acquainted with their new surroundings.

At the high school, members of the Link Crew — a group of upperclassmen who helped get the approximately 250 freshmen into the high school mode — joined teachers and administrators in welcoming the ninth-graders.

The new freshmen entered the gymnasium to music and by walking through a gauntlet of cheering teachers, administrators, support staff and Link Crew members.

Chemistry teacher Justin Frey served as master of ceremonies, and with the Link Crew led the freshmen through “Simon Says” and other games designed to get the students comfortable with their new school and classmates.

Later, Link Crew members took freshmen on tours of the school.

Across town at Fort Atkinson Middle School, a similar group of students assisted teachers in offering classroom tours, as well as doing activities to help the new sixth-graders feel at home.

Students in grades 7-8 and 10-12 started classes Thursday at the middle and high schools, respectively.

Two photos above: Freshmen walk through a cheering gauntlet of teachers, administrators and Link Crew members as they enter the Fort Atkinson High School gymnasium Wednesday.

Ninth-graders play “Simon Says” before moving on to other games designed to make them comfortable with their new school and classmates. 

Two photos above: Ninth-graders participate in games designed to make them feel comfortable. A balloon-breaking game in which 10 students participated, pictured at top, and giving “permanent high-fives,” pictured above, were among games played to make students feel comfortable with their new school and classmates. 

Two photos above: Rockwell Elementary School pupils in Heather Walters’ third-grade classroom, pictured at top, organize folders, paper, pencils and other items in their desks. Alexander, above photo, at right, relaxes after his school supplies are in order.

A Rockwell Elementary School second-grader named Makenzie asks her teacher, Linda Rice, a question on her first day back in the classroom Wednesday. 

Rockwell Elementary School second-graders in Linda Rice’s class take a few moments out of their first day of school for snacktime Wednesday. Brylie Beaver, left, enjoys a colorful treat.

Linda Rice, a second-grade teacher at Fort Atkinson’s Rockwell Elementary School, helps Brayce Shoemaker open his morning snack Wednesday, the first day back to school.

Kiera Punzel, left, and Makenzie Pierce enjoy snacktime at Rockwell Elementary School on Wednesday morning, the first day of school. The girls are pupils in Linda Rice’s second-grade class.

First-graders at Rockwell Elementary School listen to playground rules and instructions before beginning morning recess Wednesday.

Two photos above: First-grade pupils at Rockwell Elementary School enjoy morning recess as they attend their first day of the 2021-22 school year Wednesday.

Kindergartners at Rockwell Elementary School give a thumbs-up after listening to playground instructions on their first day of school Wednesday. 

Six-graders start the new school year with a tour of the Fort Atkinson Middle School.

Math teacher Steven Bakken leads a tour of sixth-graders in the commons of Fort Atkinson Middle School on Wednesday. The first day of the 2021-22 school year welcomed sixth-graders only, so they could acclimate to their new school and classmates. Seventh- and eighth-grade students began classes Thursday.

Fort Atkinson Middle School sixth-graders Liam Bente, from left, Kaitlyn Redenius, Andrew Hoffmann and Lincoln Benjestorf take a break in the gymnasium after participating in a building tour. The students’ first day of school also included activities designed to make them feel comfortable in their new surrounds. 

Two photos above: Youngsters at Barrie Elementary School in Fort Atkinson enjoy the lunchtime recess on the first day of classes Wednesday.

Neal Roberton, left, and Zander Dougherty enjoy lunchtime recess at Barrie Elementary School in Fort Atkinson Wednesday.

Elena Fellin, left, and Aspen Thiede, both third-graders at Barrie Elementary School in Fort Atkinson, enjoy lunch together on Wednesday, the first day of the school year.

Excited Barrie Elementary School students wave to the Fort Atkinson Online photographer during lunchtime. In the foreground are Ellie Norris, left, and Ariah Healey, both fifth-graders. Fort Atkinson kicked off the 2021-22 school year Wednesday. 

Pupils at Barrie Elementary School line up for hot lunch on Wednesday, the first day of the 2021-22 school year.

Photos by Chris Spangler.

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