Fort, Whitewater schools closed Thursday

Editor’s note: The following statements of school closure have been issued by both the School District of Fort Atkinson and the Whitewater Unified School District. Both districts have closed all school buildings due to inclement weather Thursday, Feb. 23. 

Fort Atkinson

All Fort Atkinson schools will be closed today, Feb. 23, due to road conditions. We know city, county, and township workers have been working tirelessly. However, many county and township roads are still not in safe driving condition. 

Safety is of top priority, and after consulting with our bus provider, the National Weather Service, and area school districts, we determined it is safest to close schools for today. This will be a non-instruction day and all after-school events and activities are canceled. Please be safe.

Todas las escuelas de Fort Atkinson estarán cerradas hoy, 23 de febrero debido a las condiciones de las carreteras. Sabemos que los trabajadores de la ciudad, el condado y el municipio han estado trabajando incansablemente. Sin embargo, muchas carreteras del condado y del municipio todavía no están en condiciones seguras para conducir. 

La seguridad es nuestra prioridad, y después de consultar con nuestro proveedor de autobuses, el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, y los distritos escolares de la zona, hemos determinado que es más seguro cerrar las escuelas para hoy. Este será un día no lectivo y todos los eventos y actividades extraescolares se cancelan.
Por favor, tenga cuidado.


Due to the current road conditions Whitewater Unified Schools will be closed for today, Thursday, Feb. 23. The road crews have done great work in the city, however, this morning many county roads were still very slick for buses. We will work to reschedule parent/teacher conferences and update families with this plan soon.

File photo. 

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