Fort Woman’s Club awards scholarships, gifts; elects officers

The Fort Atkinson Woman’s Club has announced its presentation of several scholarships and awards which were given during the organization’s recently held annual meeting. 

The club also installed new officers, according to the release. They are: Nancy Campbell, treasurer; Donna Peterson, vice president; Anne Wesner, president, and Beth Gore, secretary.

During the annual meeting, club members were introduced to the 2022 Scholarship and Community Improvement Award recipients, the release stated. 

Each year, annual scholarships are awarded to adult students who are returning to school to further their education. 

According to the release, this year, $1,000 was given to Abby Sine, who is finishing her RN degree and working toward receiving her Nurse Practitioner degree, and $1,000 was given to Anthony Galston, an economics major who is returning to school for his secondary education degree in mathematics, the release stated.   

Additionally, two Community Improvement Awards were awarded to two recipients. They are the Hoard Historical Museum and the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson. Each organization received $500.

Hoard Historical Museum Director Merrilee Lee noted within the release that the money would be used to create and print museum user guides for students at three different educational levels. The purpose of the guides is to enhance students’ understanding of museum exhibits.

Fort Atkinson Homeless Coalition Director Sherrie Bramstat and coalition board member Tina Beckman noted within the release that grant money received will be used to help fund the capital campaign to purchase and move two houses owned by Fort HealthCare. The buildings, once relocated, will be used to house clients who are being helped by the coalition and other support teams to transition into permanent housing.

According to the release, the coalition is continuing its fundraising efforts with a “buy a house” initiative. Patrons shopping at Festival Foods are encouraged to purchase a “paper house.” The fundraising event will be open to shoppers between June 26 and July 10. Paper houses purchased in support of the fundraising efforts will be displayed in the store’s window along with the name of the donor. 

In support of its own fundraising initiatives, the club raised funds this year through annual dues, a quilt raffle, monthly Bunco games, the annual plant sale and other activities, the release noted. 

Those interested in joining the club are encouraged to attend a meeting. Meetings are typically help at the Dwight Foster Public Library on the second Tuesday of the month at 1:15 p.m. 

All adults are invited to join, the release continued. 

Recipients of the Fort Atkinson Woman’s Club annual scholarship awards are Abby Sine, from left, and Anthony Galston. Each received $1,000. 

New officers elected by members of the Fort Atkinson Woman’s Club are: Nancy Campbell, treasurer, from left; Donna Peterson, vice president; Anne Wesner, president, and Beth Gore, secretary. Contributed photos. 

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