Editor’s note: Fort Atkinson Online and WhitewaterWise, with help from a poem, titled: “1776,” by Ron “RadioRon” Stelse, wish our readers a happy Fourth of July.
Fifty six signers of Independence
Introduced freedom at the stroke of a quill
it gave birth to liberty
Which in turn defended our will.
Whoever heard of these things
Certainly not England across the sea
It would take blood and tears and lives
To prove that our freedom will always be.
Nothing is weak about our tie to freedom
Some will laugh as doubters often do
But our whole country see’s it’s freedom
In the colors of red and white and blue.

Donning his Fourth of July attire, Mike Helmick, Fort Atkinson, finds shade near Foster Street during the annual holiday Ice Cream Social held at the Hoard Historical Museum. Temperatures during last year’s event reached 90 degrees. File photo/Kim McDarison.

Ron “RadioRon” Stelse worked within the radio industry for 45 years, including three years spent reading for the blind. He also worked with computers, from mainframes to PCs, and has taught a bit of tennis. He enjoys computer chess, watching public TV, and working on audio projects. He has written over 600 poems. RadioRon is a resident of Fort Atkinson. File photo/Kim McDarison.
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