Health organizations ask public to participate in assessment tool survey

Local health organizations in Dodge and Jefferson counties — including the Jefferson County Health Department, Dodge County Human Services and Health Department, Watertown Department of Public Health, Fort Healthcare, Watertown Regional Medical Center and Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam — are seeking input from community members as they work to develop a “road map to better health” for the communities they serve by completing a Community Health Assessment, a recent news release states.  

According tot he release,  the assessment will be used as a tool to prioritize significant health needs and to create a Community Health Improvement Plan for improving the overall health of the communities. 

As part of the assessment, a Community Health Survey has been created to collect area residents’ opinions on the health challenges of the region and factors that impact their road to better health. The survey can be accessed online by visiting the link below:, according to the release. 

Paper versions of the survey, available in English and Spanish, will be made available throughout the communities. The survey is anonymous and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The deadline to complete surveys is June 27. Survey results will be made available to the communities through local media and on the websites of each organization later this year, the release continued.  

Fort Healthcare, file photo/Chris Spangler. 

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