The Hoard Historical Museum has announced it will be holding a gingerbread house contest.
According to information released by the museum, the contest is open to individuals of all ages. Houses can also be built and submitted for entry by families.
After a two-year hiatus, the release noted, the event is in its seventh year.
Those interested in entering the contest must submit their house between Tuesday, Nov. 29, and Saturday, Dec. 3. There is a $10 fee per entry.
Contest entries will be placed on exhibit and made available for public viewing between Tuesday, Dec. 6, and Wednesday, Dec. 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., during the museum’s regular hours of operation.
To qualify for entry, gingerbread houses or a buildings must be decorated with edible materials, although a non-edible interior support structure may be used. Houses must be placed on a sturdy board, serving as a base, which can be no larger than 24 inches square. Completed projects must weigh less than 40 pounds, the release stated.
Each entry must come with a completed form, copies of which can be found on the museum’s website:, and are available in the museum’s office, 401 Whitewater Ave., Fort Atkinson.
Houses may be entered into one of four categories: Original building design by kit, original building design by scratch, building replica design by kit or building replica design by scratch.
Building replicas, as defined within the release, are designs inspired by actual buildings, such as a baker’s own home, a church within the community, or the White House in Washington, D.C.
The category also includes replicas of fictional buildings such as the “Winnie the Pooh” treehouse, the castle from Disney’s “Frozen,” or the “Emerald City” from the “Wizard of Oz.”
Information, outlining contest specifications and requirements, is offered through an entry form packet, found at the Hoard Historical Museum and made available during regular hours of operation. Information also may be obtain through email:
Contest participants are asked to bring their house, entry fee, and completed registration form, including a list of all the materials used to construct the gingerbread building, to the museum during regular hours of operations or contact museum staff to schedule an alternate time.
According to the release, entry fees collected from contest participants will be used to pay for judges and fund awards.
As noted within the release, first-, second- and third-place awards will be given in each category, as well as a “People’s Choice” award, with voting to take place between Tuesday, Dec. 6, and Friday, Dec. 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Awards will be announced at the museum’s annual Holiday Open House event on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 3 p.m.
After the exhibit, entries may be picked up between Thursday, Dec. 15, and Saturday, Dec. 17, during regular museum hours, or contact museum staff to make alternative arrangements.
Holiday hours
According to the release, the Hoard Historical Museum will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday from Wednesday, Nov. 23, to Saturday, Nov. 26, and will reopen on Tuesday, Nov. 29.
Additionally, the museum will be open during its regularly scheduled hours through Wednesday, Dec. 21. The Museum will be closed from Tuesday, Dec. 24, through Thursday, Dec. 26. The museum will be open Friday, Dec. 27, through Saturday, Dec. 28.

A gingerbread house is made from edible materials. The house was among those on display at the Hoard Historical Museum during a previously held contest and exhibition. Contributed photo.
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