Illinois-based choir and handbell group to make tour stop in Fort

The First Congregational United Church of Christ, Fort Atkinson, has announced that the Illinois-based “Alleluia Sound” and “Good Vibrations” youth and handbell choirs will be performing at the church on Friday. 

According to information released by the church and performance groups, the Crystal Lake high-school-aged performers are embarking upon their 51st annual tour, which includes performances at various location through Monday, when they will perform a “Welcome Home” concert in Crystal Lake. 

Friday’s free concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the First Congregational UCC, 31 W. Milwaukee Ave., Fort Atkinson. The performance is open to the pubic. 

According to information released by the groups, over the course of their four-day tour, along with a stop in Fort Atkinson, the groups will perform during worship services at a Presbyterian church and a retirement community in Stillwater, Minn.

The groups performs under the musical direction of Ann Tucker, and are accompanied by Danielle Cairoli. Performers include students, ages 14-18 from several schools, including Crystal Lake Central High School, Crystal Lake South High School and Huntley High School. In addition to providing weekly music at worship services at their church, the students prepare a variety of musical selections for their annual tour, the release stated. 

Those attending concerts offered during the tour will be treated to renditions of “Bonse Aba,” a traditional Zambian folk song arranged by Andrew Fischer, with Adam Kyrouac as soloist; “Even Here,” by Mark Miller, featuring soloists Eli Irwin and Kailey Dittrich, and “Give Me Jesus,” with Adam Kyrouac accompanying on tenor saxophone. 

Additional pieces include: “This is My Father’s World,” with flute accompaniment provided by Naomi Emmanuel.  

Alleluia Sound will also sing an original composition, titled: “Knock And The Door Will Be Opened.” The piece, written in 1997 by Tom Vos, commemorates the choir’s 25th anniversary. The song is considered a signature piece for the choir, the release noted.     

Good Vibrations bell choir will play “Allegro con moto,” by Jason Krug; “Ah Holy Jesus,” arranged by Brenda E. Austin, and “Percussive Praise,” by Kevin McChesney. 

Good Vibrations will also perform a unique arrangement created by John Ylvisaker, titled: “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry.” 

According to the release, Cathy Moklebust was commissioned to write the piece on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of FCC’s handbell program and to celebrate the life of Kimberly Keegan, who was an alumnus of Good Vibrations and Alleluia Sound, and rang in FCC’s Jubilate Adult Handbell Choir throughout her adult life. 

The two groups will also share the traditional “Bell Boogie,” as well as “This Little Light,” featuring Brennan Dittrich, Kailey Dittrich, and Mateo Ochoa. 

According to its release, First Congregational UCC, Fort Atkinson, is handicap accessible and an inclusive congregation, welcoming all persons, including those of all races, ethnicities, ages, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, family structures, faith backgrounds, abilities and economic circumstances.  

Members of the Illinois-based “Alleluia Sound” and “Good Vibrations” youth and handbell choirs prepare to go on a four-day tour, beginning with a performance in Fort Atkinson on Friday. Contributed photo. 

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