It’s a Simple Classroom Question

Letter to the editor: 
It’s a Simple Classroom Question: Is Whitewater Passing or Failing?
Exceptional Leadership Begins at the Top,
By Empowering your people From the Bottom Up!
Autocratic Rule Degrades the Morale and Trust of your 
employees while Spiraling the organization to Fail.
Is Whitewater Passing or Failing? 
With Chaos Flourishing in our Pre-K program after the inclusion 
of three year olds, Any Kindergartener could answer this Question.
In this Basic School Equation, Our Teachers, Principals, and 
School Board Members are Not the Problem.
A toxic work environment in addition to
Record Low Morale Plus +
Record Low Test Scores  Plus +
Record Loss of Teachers and Students  Equals =
Failed Leadership!
Share your concerns with School Board Members Today!
Geoff Hale
Editor’s note: Please look for this and other Whitewater-related stories on Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our daily newsletter. 

File photo/Kim McDarison. 

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