“American Pickers,” a documentary, reality-TV show which airs on the History channel, will be coming to Wisconsin in June, according to information released by the show’s producers through the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce.
The show, which is produced by A&E Television Networks, and premiered on the History channel in 2010, has since run for 24 seasons, and includes 362 episodes, according to the History channel’s website. Additional information about the show is here: https://www.history.com/shows/american-pickers.
According to information shared with Fort Atkinson Online by the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce, “the American Pickers are coming to Wisconsin in June and are looking or locations to host their show.”
Information sent by the show’s producers to the chamber notes that the show is looking for “leads throughout the state, specifically interesting characters with fascinating items and lots of them.”
According to information shared by the producers: “The way we find people and collections for our show is through spreading the word far and wide so people know we’re coming to town.”
Information within a prepared news release noted that the American Pickers show “is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique ‘picking’ on The History channel. The hit show follows skilled pickers in the business, as they hunt for America’s most valuable antiques. They are always excited to find historically significant or rare items, in addition to unforgettable characters and their collections.”
According to the release, the pickers will “hit the back roads from coast to coast” looking to “recycle and rescue forgotten relics.”
The pickers, as noted in the release, “hope to give historically significant objects a new lease on life while learning a thing or two about America’s past along the way.”
Additionally, the release noted: “We at American Pickers continue to take the pandemic very seriously and will be following all guidelines and protocols for safe filming outlined by the state and CDC. Nevertheless, we are excited to continue reaching the many collectors in the area to discuss their years of picking and are eager to hear their memorable stories.”
While the pickers are on the hunt for interesting people and items, the release states that public places, such as stores, flea markets, malls, auction businesses, museums or “anything open to the public,” are not eligible for ‘picking.’
The show looks specifically for people and private collections, the information specified.
Those interested in sharing their stories and items are encouraged to contact the show’s producers and provide the following information: name, phone number, location, and description of the collection with photos. To learn more about contacting the producers and sharing information, visit: americanpickers@cineflix.com or call: 646-493-2184. American Pickers also can be found on Facebook: @GotAPick, according to the release.
“American Pickers” hosts Danielle Colby and Mile Wolfe are seated in a “pick.” Photo supplied by release through the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce as provided by Cineflix.com.
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