Editor’s note: following is the agenda and associated packet for the Jefferson County Board of Supervisor’s meeting to be held Aug. 10.
August 10, 2021 7:00 p.m.
Jefferson County Courthouse 311 S. Center Avenue, Room 205 Jefferson, WI 53549
Webinar OR YouTube Livestream
- Recognizing non-profit groups that volunteered at Jefferson County Fair
- Presentation: Overview of Jefferson County Redistricting Process
- Recognizing non-profit groups that volunteered at Jefferson County Fair
- Notice of Planning and Zoning Public Hearing – August 19, 2021 (Page 1)
- Treasurer’s Report (Addendum)
- Notice of Planning and Zoning Public Hearing – August 19, 2021 (Page 1)
- Division of Extension – Chrissy Wen
- Land and Water Conservation – Patricia Cicero
- Clerk of Courts – Cindy Hamre Incha
- Division of Extension – Chrissy Wen
a. Resolution – Accepting Bid for Insulation of Storage Building at the Law Enforcement Training Facility (Page 3)
a. Resolution – Designating the Executive Committee as the Jefferson County Redistricting Committee for the 2021 Redistricting Process (Page 4)
- Resolution – Initial Resolution Authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds or Promissory Notes in an amount not to exceed 36,000,000 for County Building Projects (Page 6)
- Resolution – Issuing General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021A, in an amount not to exceed $5,830,000 for County Building Projects (Page 8)
- Resolution – Establishing the Jefferson County Revolving Loan Fund (Page 10)
- Resolution – Ratifying the Purchase and Sale Agreement for 808 Jefferson Street and 300 Rodgers
Register in advance for the County Board Meeting webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Street, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin and the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds (Page 12)
e. Resolution – Amending the 2021 Budget to Adjust the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Food License Fee and to Accept a Drug Free Coalition State Opioid Response Grant (Addendum)
a. Resolution – Authorizing an Extension of the Licensing Agreement between Wisconsin Electric Power Company, doing business as WE Energies, and Jefferson County for the purpose of constructing Phase 2 of the Interurban Trail from Watertown to Oconomowoc (Page 14)
- Report – Approval of Petitions (Page 16)
- Ordinance – Amending Official Zoning Map (Page 17)
- Report – Approval of Petitions (Page 16)
Next County Board Meeting Tuesday, September 14, 2021 7:00 p.m.
George Jaeckel, Chair; Steve Nass, Vice-Chair; Blane Poulson, Secretary; Matt Foelker and Lloyd Zastrow
Map Amendments to the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance and Requests for Conditional Use Permits Thursday, August 19, 2021
7:00 p.m. (Courthouse doors will open at 6:30)
Room 205, Jefferson County Courthouse, 311 S. Center Ave., Jefferson, WI
OR Via Zoom Videoconference
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: August 19, 2021, 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 957 3344 0565
Passcode: Zoning
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Call to Order
Roll Call
AfteCr reergtiifsitceartinogn,oyfoCuowmipllliraencceeivweitahcOonpfeinrmMaetieotinegms Laailwcontaining information about joining the meeting.
Approval of Agenda
Explanation of Public Hearing Process by Committee Chair Public Hearing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Committee will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, August 19, 2021, in Room 205 of the Jefferson County Courthouse, Jefferson, Wisconsin. Members of the public will be allowed to be heard regarding any petition under consideration by the Planning and Zoning Committee. PETITIONERS, OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES SHALL BE PRESENT EITHER IN PERSON OR VIA ZOOM. Matters to be heard are petitions to amend the official zoning map of Jefferson County and applications for conditional use permits. A map of the properties affected may be obtained from the Zoning Department. Individual files, which include staff finding of fact, are available for viewing between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excepting holidays. If you have questions regarding these matters, please contact Zoning at 920-674-7131.
R4335A-21 – Mark & Tammy Reinecke: Create two 0.46-ac building sites (Lots 1& 2) and a 2.3-ac building site (Lot 3) from part of PIN 028-0513-1942-000 (10.34 Ac) near N1108 Olson Rd, Town of Sumner. This is in accordance with Sec.11.04(f)1 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
R4339A-21 – Karen Weihert: Create a 1.2-ac lot (Lot 1) around the buildings at W6815 Reamer Ln, a 1.14-ac building site (Lot 2) and a 1.12-building site (Lot 3) adjoining, from part of PINs 020-0814-0822-001 (8.847 Ac) and 020-0814- 0822-002 (1.153 Ac) in the Town of Milford. This is in accordance with Sec. 11.04(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
R4338A-21 – Andrew J Timm/Alan & Virginia Timm Trust Property: Create a new 1.45 ac building site from part of PIN 010-0615-1914-000 (34.94 ac) along Willing Rd in the Town of Hebron. This is in accordance with Sec. 11.04(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
R4342A-21 – Daniel & Erin McMahon: Create a 2.17-ac building site (Lot 1), a 1.85-ac building site (Lot 2) and a 2.2- ac building site (Lot 3) on Springer Rd in the Town of Waterloo from part of PIN 030-0813-2612-001 (9 Ac). This is in accordance with Sec. 11.04(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
R4345A-21 – Richard Gimler: Create a 1.1-ac lot around the home at N8728 River Rd in the Town of Watertown from part of PINs 032-0815-1324-000 (40.025 Ac) and 032-0815-1334-000 (38 Ac). This is in accordance with Sec. 11.04(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
CU2082-21 – Richard Gimler: Conditional use to sanction a duplex at N8728 River Rd in the Town of Watertown from part of PINs 032-0815-1324-000 (40.025 Ac) and 032-0815-1334-000 (38 Ac). This is in a proposed A-3 zone, and is in accordance with Sec. 11.04(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
CU2083-21 – John L Walsh: Conditional use to allow an addition to an existing detached accessory structure resulting in an extensive on-site storage structure in a Residential R-2 zone. The site is at N6112 Grey Fox Trail, Town of Concord, on PIN 006-0716-1534-003 (5.23 Ac).
(The following two petitions were originally presented in public hearing on December 17, 2020)
R4288A-20 – Dianne Owens & Paul Elliot: Rezone PIN 008-0715-0232-001 (2.002 Ac) at N7040 Saucer Drive in the Town of Farmington. This is in accordance with Sec. 11.04(f)7 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
CU2058-20 – Dianne Owens & Paul Elliot: Allow for an agricultural tourism-banquet hall, conference center and event facility at N7040 Saucer Drive in the Town of Farmington on PIN 008-0715-0232-001 (2.002 Ac). This is in a proposed A-2 zone, and is in accordance with Sec. 11.04(f)7 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance.
RESOLUTION NO. 2021-_____
Accepting Bid for Insulation of Storage Building at the Law Enforcement Training Facility.
Executive Summary
Jefferson County owns and operates a law enforcement training facility in Lake Mills located off of County Highway V. Currently the property is used for firearm qualification for the Sheriff’s Office and partner law enforcement agencies. To facilitate additional training opportunities at this location, a storage building was built in 2020. The next phase of the planned work requires insulating the storage building.
A request for proposals was issued on March 3, 2021. Two sealed bids were received. The Building and Grounds Committee was provided these bids at its meeting on August 3, 2021 and advised by the County Administrator that the bid submitted by BOS Design Builders in the amount of $25,585.61 was the lowest responsible bid.
WHEREAS, the above Executive Summary is incorporated into this resolution, and
WHEREAS, bids were solicited to insulate and install liner panels in the storage building at the law enforcement training facility and
WHEREAS, the following bids were received: BOS Design Builders – $25,585.61 Advance Building Corporation – $57,500
WHEREAS the Building and Grounds Committee has reviewed the bids; and
WHEREAS, the County Administrator recommends accepting the bid of BOS Design Builders in the amount of $25,585.61.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the bid of BOS Design Builders of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin in the amount of $25,585.61 is hereby accepted as the lowest responsible bid and the County Administrator is authorized to enter into a contract with BOS Design Builders for this amount to install insulation and liner panels in the storage building at the law enforcement training facility
Fiscal Note: Adequate funds for this project are in Sheriff’s Office Budget account 13105.594822.
Ayes_____ Noes_____ Abstain_____ Absent_____ Vacant_____
Requested by
County Administrator 08-10-2021
REVIEWED: Administrator:_BPW; Corp. Counsel: JBW ; Finance Director
RESOLUTION NO. 2021-____
Designating the Executive Committee as the Jefferson County Redistricting Committee for the 2021 Redistricting Process
Executive Summary
Following the release of census data every ten years, each level of government has the requirement to utilize data to review its population changes and adjust boundaries of representative districts to be consistent with the “one man, one vote principle.” In Wisconsin, there are specific statutory requirements on how this process is implemented with Counties having a significant role in this process. This includes the following:
- – Development of a tentative plan followed by a public hearing and approval by the County Board
- – Notice to municipalities (cities, villages, and towns) of the tentative plan for adjusting municipal boundaries where applicable.
- – Issuance of a final plan followed by a public hearing and approval by the County Board.
- – Publication of a Type A notice notifying the public of the adjusted district boundaries for
purposes of issuing election papers.
In a typical year following the census, census data can be expected from the Federal government in March or April and the statutory time period for the County to approve a final redistricting plan is approximately 180 days following receipt of census data. However, the census data has not been released by the federal government to date and the state is not expected to receive the data until mid-August. Wisconsin counties expect to receive the data from the State no later than September 1, 2021. Because the census data was not provided to local communities in March or April, counties are unable to meet their statutory requirement to complete the tentative plan by July 1. Further, local governments have a statutory obligation to publish as a type A notice their
final redistricting plan by Nov 23 . As such, the county must have a final plan approved prior to
this date, effectively reducing the typical 180-day process to approximately 75 days. The State has not provided any alternative options for Counties or municipalities to account for the delayed release of census data by the Federal government.
The Executive Committee has been involved in routine reports and updates as to the status of redistricting to include the data release date and potential legislation to address the delayed data release. InreviewingpastpracticesofJeffersonCounty,theExecutiveCommitteeanditsprecursor committees provided policy oversight and direction for the redistricting process. Staff support of these efforts included the County Clerk, County Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Planning & Zoning, and Land Information. Designating the Executive Committee to serve as the Redistricting Committee is consistent with its duties set forth in the County Board Rules of Order which state:
“The Executive Committee is authorized to petition the Jefferson County Circuit Court for an order dividing a municipality into wards in accordance with applicable law and the County’s tentative supervisory district plan upon a municipality’s failure to divide or submission of a division which does not comply with the tentative supervisory district plan.”
The Executive Committee considered this resolution at its meeting on July 28, 2021 and recommended forwarding to the County Board to formally designate the Executive Committee as the Jefferson County Redistricting Committee for purposes of providing policy guidance and oversight for the county’s redistricting process for 2021.
WHEREAS, the above Executive Summary is incorporated into this resolution, and
WHEREAS, the local redistricting process is one that demands transparency and opportunities for public input, and
WHEREAS, the county and its municipalities will need to work collaboratively to develop a redistricting process that accelerates these efforts to develop plans while valuing the public input process and openness of redistricting, and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee has been engaged in the current process for the last several months and has specific redistricting responsibilities already delegated to it by the County Board Rules.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board designates the Executive Committee as the Jefferson County Redistricting Committee for the 2021 Redistricting Process.
Fiscal Note: This resolution will have no fiscal impact.
Ayes:_____ Noes:______ Abstain:______ Absent:______ Vacant: 0 .
Requested By:
Executive Committee 08-10-2021
REVIEWED: County Administrator: BPW ; Corporation. Counsel: JBW ; Finance Director:
Initial Resolution Authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds or Promissory Notes in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 for County Building Projects
Executive Summary
On June 8, 2021, the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution recognizing the need to renovate the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities, Highway facilities, and infrastructure related to Health and Human Services operations. The resolution further indicated that funding for this project would require the issuance of debt by the County requiring additional action by the County Board at a future date. This resolution carries out the next step toward funding these renovation projects by authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000. Following adoption of this initial resolution, future County Board action will need to be taken specifically authorizing the sale of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in increments. On August 5, 2021, the Jefferson County Finance Committee considered this resolution and recommended forwarding to the County Board to authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of renovating County facilities, consisting of the construction of additions and improvements to the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities, and other public facilities related to county operations along with acquisition of furnishings and equipment.
WHEREAS, the Executive Summary is incorporated into this resolution, and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Jefferson County to continue with its renovation plans for the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities, construction of related improvements and acquisition of furnishings and equipment, and
WHEREAS, funding for this project will be through the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000, and
WHEREAS, before the sale of any general obligation bonds or promissory notes occurs, the County Board must adopt another resolution specifically authorizing such sale.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors that there shall be issued, pursuant to Chapter 67, Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of renovating County facilities, consisting of the construction of additions and improvements to the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities, and other public facilities related to county operations along with acquisition of furnishings and equipment.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator and County Clerk are authorized to execute all documents related to the issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 as described herein.
Fiscal Note: The debt authorized by this resolution will be issued by the county through the sale of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in increments that require authorization by future County Board action. As an initial resolution authorizing debt issuance, state law requires County Board approval by a three-quarters vote of the entire membership of the County Board (23 votes of the 30-member County Board).
Ayes:_____ Noes:______ Abstain:______ Absent:______ Vacant: 0 .
Referred By:
Finance Committee 08-10-21
REVIEWED: County Administrator:_BPW___; Corporation Counsel:_____; Finance Director:
Issuing General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021A, in an amount not to exceed $5,830,000 for County Building Projects
Executive Summary
On June 8, 2021, the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors adopted an Initial Resolution 2021- recognizing the need to renovate the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities, Highway facilities, and infrastructure related to Health and Human Services operations. This Initial Resolution further indicated that funding for these projects would require the issuance of debt by the County requiring additional action by the County Board at a future date. This resolution carries out the next steps toward funding these renovation projects by issuing general obligation promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $5,830,000 for public sale pursuant to Initial Resolution 2021 –______. On August 5, 2021, the Jefferson County Finance Committee considered this resolution and recommended forwarding to the County Board to issue general obligation promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $5,830,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of renovating County facilities consisting of the construction of additions and improvements to the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities, and other public facilities related to county operations along with acquisition of related furnishings and equipment.
WHEREAS, the above Executive Summary in incorporated into this resolution, and
WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors of Jefferson County, Wisconsin (the “County”) has adopted an initial resolution (the “Initial Resolution”) authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of County building projects, consisting of the construction of additions to and renovation of the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities, construction of related improvements and acquisition of furnishings and equipment (collectively, the “Projects”), and
WHEREAS, the Projects described in the Initial Resolution are within the County’s power to undertake and therefore serve a “public purpose” as that term is defined in Section 67.04(1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes, and
WHEREAS, general obligation promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $5,830,000 should be issued pursuant to the Initial Resolution to pay a portion of the cost of the Projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of the County that:
Section 1. Issuance of the Notes. The County shall issue general obligation promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $5,830,000 pursuant to the Initial Resolution, which notes shall be designated “General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021A” (the “Notes”).
Section 2. Sale of the Notes. The County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes and directs that the Notes be offered for public sale. At a subsequent meeting, the County Board of Supervisors shall consider such bids for the Notes as may have been received and take action thereon.
Section 3. Notice of Sale. The County Clerk (in consultation with the County’s financial advisor, Ehlers & Associates, Inc. (“Ehlers”)), is hereby authorized and directed to cause the sale of the Notes to be publicized at such times and in such manner as the County Clerk may determine and to cause copies of a complete Notice of Sale and other pertinent data to be forwarded to interested bidders as the County Clerk may determine.
Section 4. Official Statement. The County Clerk (in consultation with Ehlers) shall also cause an Official Statement to be prepared and distributed. The County Administrator and Finance Director shall determine when the Official Statement is final for purposes of Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 and shall certify said Statement, such certification to constitute full authorization of such Statement under this resolution.
Fiscal Note: The debt authorized by this resolution will be issued by the county through the sale of general obligation promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $5,830,000. Because an initial resolution authorizing debt issuance was previously adopted by the County Board, this resolution requires County Board approval by a majority of County Board members present.
Ayes:_____ Noes:______ Abstain:______ Absent:______ Vacant: 0 .
Referred By:
Finance Committee 08-10-21
REVIEWED: County Administrator:_BPW__; Corporation Counsel:_____; Finance Director:
RESOLUTION NO. 2021-____ Establishing the Jefferson County Revolving Loan Fund Executive Summary
Jefferson County has evaluated opportunities to provide programs that assist existing businesses by providing them the ability to expand, enhance business productivity, improve operational efficiency along with the ability to compete in a global market and to assist businesses in relocating to Jefferson County. For several years, the county and its municipalities relied on Community Development Block Grants to fund a Revolving Loan Fund program. Over the past few years, the county has begun to develop a plan in anticipation of the former Community Development Block Grant – Revolving Loan Fund program dissolving while recognizing the need to create a local incentive program to attract and retain businesses in Jefferson County. The need to continue a local incentive program such as the Revolving Loan Fund program has been noted in several planning documents to include the Jefferson County Strategic Plan, the Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan and the ThriveED/Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium Strategic Plan.
Through its budgeting process over the past two years, Jefferson County has taken action to commit $500,000 toward this program. In addition, the remaining funds from the dissolved Community Development Block Grant loan program have been designated to fund this new program. Staff have identified five financial institutions that are willing to partner with the county and match county contributions to establish a $1 million fund. Each lending partner has agreed to provide an initial contribution of $100,000 as a line of credit to the county for the Revolving Loan Fund program. Program funding may increase based on contributions from additional partners as this program continues. The initial lending entities will include: Ixonia Bank (Ixonia), Premier Bank (Fort Atkinson), Bank First (Watertown), Fort Community Credit Union (Fort Atkinson), and Avestar Credit Union (Waterloo).
The goal of the Revolving Loan Fund program is to provide easily accessible gap financing to legally operating businesses within Jefferson County and its municipalities to support business growth by:
- Encouraging investments that enhance businesses’ productivity or operational efficiency
- Supporting investments that enhance businesses’ ability to compete in a global marketplace
3. Encouraging investments that are necessary to retain or create jobs that pay at least the
Jefferson County average annual wage.
The Revolving Loan Fund will have the capacity to provide gap financing of up to 25% of total project costs; with a cap of $275,000 per loan. The minimum loan considered by the fund will be $25,000.
As part of this program, the Finance Committee will receive on-going reports on loan status and will also provide oversight on any policy change related to the lending guidelines. County staff will be engaged based their related functions. The Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium (JCEDC) staff will provide technical support of the application process. The Finance Department will be responsible for the fiscal administration to include development of an amortization schedule, payment receipt, required fiscal reporting, auditing and disclosure requirements and coordination with financial institutions of payments. The Corporation Counsel office will provide legal advice, file documents under the Uniform Commercial Code to secure loans and take legal action upon default.
The Revolving Loan Fund program will be governed by a Board which will consist of one representative from each lending institution, the Jefferson County Finance Chair or designee, Jefferson County Administrator, Jefferson County Corporation Counsel and Jefferson County Finance Director. This governing body will be responsible for policy recommendation to the Finance Committee and provide appointee updates to the Finance Committee. Further, an Underwriting Committee will be appointed which will consist of two appointees from lending institutions, the Finance Committee Chair or designee, a representative of a small business, and an independent underwriter hired by the county. The Underwriting Committee will have approval authority for loans. The governing Board and the Underwriting Committee shall consult with the Corporation Counsel Office as needed to ensure compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law and Public Records Law.
The Jefferson County Finance Committee met on April 8, June 8, and July 8, 2021, to discuss the parameters of the proposed Revolving Loan Fund Program to include reviewing the lending guidelines and the administration of the fund. The Finance Committee considered this resolution at its meeting on August 5, 2021, and unanimously recommended forwarding to the County Board for approval.
WHEREAS, the above Executive Summary is incorporated into this resolution, and
WHEREAS, a local incentive program, specifically a revolving loan fund program, has been identified as a key tool to support the economic growth of Jefferson County, and
WHEREAS, the Jefferson County Board has taken action to commit $500,000 towards a revolving fund program and has appropriated existing CDBG-RLF loan repayment proceeds towards this program, and
WHEREAS, community lending institutions are willing partners with the county to create a program that invests in the county.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Jefferson County establishes the Jefferson County Revolving Loan Fund Program as described in this resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Jefferson County Administrator is authorized to execute any required documents on behalf of the county to effectuate the program.
Fiscal Note: Jefferson County has budgeted $500,000 towards the development of a revolving loan fund. An additional $354,761 of loan proceeds from the former Community Development Block program has also been committed to the revolving loan fund. Adopting this Resolution authorizes the County Administrator to enter into agreements with various local banks for lines of credit to match County funds.
Ayes:_____ Noes:______ Abstain:______ Absent:______ Vacant: 0 .
Requested By:
Finance Committee 08-10-2021
REVIEWED: County Administrator:____; Corporation. Counsel____; Finance Director:
RESOLUTION NO. 2021 –_____
Ratifying the Purchase and Sale Agreement for 808 Jefferson Street and 300 Rodgers Street, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin and the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds
Executive Summary
Access to housing has been cited through numerous studies and planning exercises as a need in Jefferson County. This goal has been noted as an area of key emphasis in the county’s strategic plan and comprehensive plan. Over the years, the team at Human Services has worked with clients to make housing available to those in need. In some cases, the county has specific obligations to provide housing services, which at times involves a court ordered placement. This results in significant costs to the county. On May 1, 2018, the Jefferson County Department of Human Services began a partnership with Opportunities, Inc. to lease two tri-plex properties. The county pays a fixed monthly rent for the property in addition to utilities. The county manages the tenants and based on a tenants’ ability to pay rent, may be required to reimburse the county for some or all of their rent along with the cost of utilities. This partnership also facilitates on-going efforts between the county and Opportunities, Inc. to provide additional services, specifically employment opportunities.
In July of 2021, the county was notified that Opportunities Inc. was seeking to sell these properties through a sealed bid process. Due to the short notice and after consultation with the Chair of the County Board, the Chair of the Finance Committee/Human Services Board, the County Administrator submitted a Purchase and Sale Agreement offering to purchase the property which was subsequently accepted by the seller. This offer was contingent on County Board approval.
The Human Services Board met on July 13, 2021 where it was provided an update on County housing. There was support for the county to purchase these properties to help ensure an adequate supply of county provided housing. On July 28,2021, the Executive Committee reviewed this resolution and recommended unanimously to forward to the County Board to ratify the Purchase and Sale agreement and further to allocate $350,000 from American Rescue Plan Act funds for this purchase. On August 5, 2021, the Finance Committee also considered this resolution and recommended unanimously to forward to the County Board for approval.
WHEREAS, the above executive summary is incorporated into this resolution, and
WHEREAS, housing within Jefferson County continues to be a challenge, and
WHEREAS, the county has certain obligations to provide housing resources and works to develop cost effective and safe solutions, and
WHEREAS, the county has partnered with Opportunities, Inc. to lease housing for the past three years to help fulfill these needs and believes it is in in the best interest of the county to maintain this resource, and
WHEREAS, American Rescue Plan Act funds may be used for this purchase.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board ratifies the Purchase and Sales Agreement for 808 Jefferson Street and 300 Rodgers Street, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin for the amount of $350,000, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the County Clerk and County Administrator are authorized to execute all required closing documents and complete other administrative responsibilities in the purchasing of these properties, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County allocates $350,000 from its distribution of American Rescue Plan Act funds toward this purchase by increasing budget appropriations. The County has determined that this procurement impacts a population negatively impacted by COVID-19 and further provides services to those receiving services from the Jefferson County Human Services Department.
Fiscal Note: This project is intended to primarily serve beneficiaries that are at less than 60 percent of the median income for Jefferson County or individuals that are below the federal poverty line. Jefferson County will fund this purchase with American Rescue Plan Act Funds, and also may recover funds by tenant payments and may see reduced expenditures by limiting placement costs in more costly facilities. This is a budget adjustment. County Board approval requires a two- thirds vote of the entire membership of the County Board (20 votes of the 30-member County Board).
Ayes:_____ Noes:______ Abstain:______ Absent:______ Vacant: 0 .
Requested By:
Finance Committee and Executive Committee 08-10-2021
APPROVED: County Administrator: _____; Corporation Counsel: _____; Finance Director:
RESOLUTION NO. 2021 –_____
Authorizing an Extension of the Licensing Agreement between Wisconsin Electric Power Company, doing business as WE Energies, and Jefferson County for the purpose of constructing Phase 2 of the Interurban Trail from Watertown to Oconomowoc
Executive Summary
The Jefferson County Parks Department is planning to construct a recreation trail for hiking, biking and cross-country skiing on right-of-way owned by WE Energies. The proposed trail is 10.96 miles in length and is located between the City of Watertown and the City of Oconomowoc.
This off-road, paved, trail connection will be built on the former Interurban Rail Line that connects the City of Watertown to the City of Oconomowoc. The path cross-section will consist of a 10- foot-wide asphalt surface with 2-foot-wide aggregate shoulders. An 8-inch stone base with 3-inch asphalt layer will be used. The project is located primarily in Jefferson County (10 miles) and a portion in Waukesha County (1 mile). The City of Watertown and the City of Oconomowoc are the project boundaries.
On February 10, 2015, the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors approved Resolution 2014-65 that authorized the initial 15-year licensing agreement with We Energies. This provided the necessary authority for the County to proceed forward with Phase 1 of the project from the City of Watertown to River Road. This phase of the project included the installation of a bridge, safety fencing, and initial grading with asphalt milling overlays in preparation for a future asphalt surface. Jefferson County has completed phase 1 and continues to work on phase 2 of this project which runs from River Road to County Highway F. The County has been successful in receiving grant funds to help cover the costs of this phase to include a Federal TAP Grant and a DNR Stewardship grant. The County has been in the engineering phase over the past 18 months, and it is anticipated that bids will be solicited for phase 2 of this project during the first quarter of 2022.
To ensure that the term of the license agreement continues throughout the expected life of the trail infrastructure, WE Energies has agreed to extend the duration of the license by an additional 15 years, ending in 2045. All other terms of the initial license agreement remain unchanged.
This resolution authorizes the County Administrator to sign a license extension with WE Energies which will extend the license for an additional 15 years and also authorizes the County Administrator to execute future license extensions for the Interurban Trail Project that are consistent with the base license agreement approved through County Board Resolution 2014-65.
The Parks Committee considered this resolution at its meeting on August 9 , 2021, and
recommended forwarding to the County Board for approval. ________________
WHEREAS, the above Executive Summary is incorporated into this resolution, and
WHEREAS, Jefferson County is participating in the construction of segments of a multi-use recreation trail linking the City of Watertown to the City of Oconomowoc via the existing We Energies right-of-way corridor, and
WHEREAS, this multi-use recreation trail, known as the Interurban Trail, will provide the community with year round uses such as biking, in-line skating, walking, running and cross- country skiing, and
WHEREAS, the Interurban Trail will give users the opportunity to ride safely from the northern end of the Glacial River Trail in Watertown, east to the shores of Lake Michigan and connecting to trails such as the Hank Aaron Trail in Milwaukee, and
WHEREAS, to ensure that the term of the license agreement continues throughout the expected life of the trail infrastructure it is necessary to extend the existing license agreement for 15 years.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Administrator is authorized to execute a 15 year extension of the existing license agreement with Wisconsin Electric Power Company doing business as We Energies for the purpose of Jefferson County constructing phase 2 of the Interurban Trail from Watertown to Oconomowoc and to ensure that the term of the license agreement continues throughout the expected life of the trail infrastructure.
BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator is authorized to execute further license extensions for the Interurban Trail Project that are consistent with the base license agreement approved through County Board Resolution 2014-65.
Fiscal Note: Entering into this license agreement with We Energies will have no fiscal impact to Jefferson County.
Ayes: _____ Noes_____ Abstain_____ Absent_____ Vacant_____
Requested By:
Parks Committee 08-10-2021
APPROVED: County Administrator: BPW ; Corp. Counsel: JBW ; Finance Director:
The Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Committee, having considered petitions to amend the official zoning map of Jefferson County, filed for public hearing held on July 15, 2021 as required by law pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given, and being duly advised of the wishes of the town boards and persons in the areas affected, hereby makes the following recommendations:
APPROVAL OF PETITIONS R4330A-21, R4331A-21, R4332A-21, R4333A-21 AND R4334A-21
DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF JULY, 2021 Blane Poulson, Secretary
THE PRIOR MONTH’S AMENDMENTS R4313A-21, R4314A-21, R4315A-21, R4320A-21, R4321A-21, R4324A-21, R4325A-21, R4326A-21, R4327A-21, R4328A- 21 and R4329A-21 ARE EFFECTIVE UPON PASSAGE BY COUNTY BOARD, SUBJECT TO WIS. STATS. 59.69(5)
Referred By:
Planning and Zoning Committee 08-10-2021
REVIEWED: County Administrator_BPW___ Corporation Counsel______ Finance Director_
ORDINANCE NO. 2021-______
Amending Official Zoning Map
WHEREAS, the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors has heretofore been petitioned to amend the official zoning map of Jefferson County, and
WHEREAS, Petitions R4330A-21, R4331A-21, R4332A-21, R4333A-21 and R4334A-21 were referred to the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Committee for public hearing on July 15, 2021, and
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments have been given due consideration by the Board of Supervisors in open session,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors does amend the official zoning map of Jefferson County as follows:
Rezone all of PIN 026-0616-0114-001 (5.023 Ac) at N4762 Indian Point Road in the Town of Sullivan. This is in accordance with Sec. 11.0(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance. Rezoning is conditioned upon receipt by Zoning of a plat for survey for the lot. R4330A-21 – Michael J Swenson
Create a 1.35-acre A-3 building site from PIN 014-0614-0943-005 (13.736 Ac) on State Road 89 in the Town of Jefferson. This is in accordance with Sec. 11.0(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance. This utilizes the last available A-3 zone for the property, therefore rezoning is conditioned upon recording of an affidavit acknowledging that fact. It is further conditioned upon road access approval by the DOT, receipt by Zoning of a suitable soil test and approval and recording of a final certified survey map for the lot, including extraterritorial plat review if necessary. R4331A-21 – David Schroedl
Create a 2.9-acre building site near W1564 County Road CI in the Town of Sullivan from part of PIN 026-0616-3324-000 (37.537 Ac). This is in accordance with Sec. 11.0(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance. This utilizes the last available A-3 zone for the property, therefore rezoning is conditioned upon recording of an affidavit acknowledging that fact. It is further conditioned upon road access approval, receipt by Zoning of a suitable soil test and approval and recording of a final certified survey map for the lot. R4332A-21 – Dave Lilly/Anna Mae Jaquith Property
Rezone 2 acres around the home and buildings at W1564 County Road CI in the Town of Sullivan from part of PIN 026-0616-3324-000 (37.537 Ac). This is in accordance with
Sec. 11.0(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance. Rezoning is conditioned upon approval and recording of a final certified survey map for the lot. R4333A-21 – Dave Lilly/Anna Mae Jaquith Property
Rezone 1acre of PIN 010-0515-0231-009 (5.512 Ac) for a new residential building site near N2186 County Road D in the Town of Hebron. This is in accordance with Sec. 11.0(f)8 of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance. This utilizes the last available A-3 zone for the property, therefore rezoning is conditioned upon recording of an affidavit acknowledging that fact. It is further conditioned upon road access approval, receipt by Zoning of a suitable soil test and approval and recording of the final certified survey map for the lot. R4334A-21 – Patrick Hack
The above zoning amendments shall be null and void and have no effect one year from the date of County Board approval unless all applicable conditions have been completed.
Ayes:_____ Noes:______ Abstain:______ Absent:______ Vacant: 0 .
Referred By:
Planning and Zoning Committee 08-10-2021
REVIEWED: County Administrator: BPW Corporation Counsel: JBW Finance Director MAD
A link to the pdf file is here: http://fortatkinsononline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/08-10-2021-County-Board-Agenda.pdf.
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