Jefferson County Circuit Court posts notice of closures and limited operations

The Jefferson County Clerk of Circuit Courts Cindy Hamre Incha has released information regarding upcoming Jefferson County Circuit Court closures and limited operations.

According to the release, pursuant to an order signed by Judge Paul Bugenhagen, Jr., chief judge of the 3rd Judicial District, all Jefferson County courts shall cease operation at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 31, and for the full day on Wednesday, Nov. 1.

The courts also will cease operations on Thursday, Nov. 2, and Friday, Nov. 3, with the exception of Branch 2, which will remain operational on a limited basis to set initial appearance bonds and to administer time sensitive matters and emergencies, the release stated.

Additionally, the release noted: “These orders are pursuant to Supreme Court Rules … and include the activities of the office of the Clerk of Courts. Further, the orders are in response to the ongoing multiyear construction project occurring at the Jefferson County Courthouse and are made directly to allow time to address infrastructure conversion and to physically move some operations.

Those with questions may contact Hamre Incha by phone: 920-674-7496. photo. 

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