Melissa Anderson, director of the Jefferson Public Library, has announced that the institution, with some exceptions, will no longer collect fines.
According to a recent news release, beginning Thursday, Sept. 1, the library is “going fine-free for all patrons.”
“The library is excited to be following the practice of many libraries around Wisconsin and the country by removing this potential barrier to library services. Fine-free means that patrons will not be fined daily for overdue materials,” the release stated.
Removing fines will allow more people to enjoy library materials for education, enrichment and inspiration, the release noted, adding: “We still encourage patrons to bring back materials on time to make materials available to others who would like to borrow them.”
There are some exceptions, the release noted. Overdue fines will continue to accrue for special collections such as equipment, kits, Lucky Day items, and interlibrary loans. Patrons will continue to be charged for lost or damaged items.
In addition, the release stated, Jefferson Public Library will also waive all existing Jefferson Public Library overdue fines.
“To kick off going fine-free, Jefferson Public Library is inviting everyone in the community to stop by the Library throughout the month of September for Library Card Sign Up month. There will be a scavenger hunt for kids to complete inside the library, teens and adults can participate in a bookmark design contest and adults can practice self-care by completing a Self-Care Bingo. All activities offer fun and prizes, the release noted.
The Jefferson Public Library is located at 321 South Main St., Jefferson.
To learn more about the library and its programming, visit:

Jefferson Public Library, file photo/contributed.
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