The Fort Atkinson Knights of Columbus Council 3396 has announced it will be holding its annual Free Throw Competition Sunday, Jan. 30, at the St. Joseph Catholic School gymnasium, 1650 Endl Blvd., Fort Atkinson. Registration and warm-up begins at noon, with the competition starting at 12:30 p.m.
The competition is open to all local boys and girls, ages 9 through 14 (as of Jan. 1, 2022). Contestants shoot in their own age group in separate boys and girls divisions. Winners in each division are awarded trophies and advance to the district competition. Participants and spectators are asked to please wear a mask, information released by the organizers states.
Questions can be directed to John Kammer at 920-563-8297 or Paul Krueger at 920-563-3861.
Also, any Jefferson resident who was unable to attend their local Free Throw Competition at St. John the Baptist Catholic School on Jan. 24 is welcome to shoot in the Fort Atkinson competition on Jan. 30. Please note that contestants can only compete in one local contest, the release noted.

File photo, public domain.
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