Letter to the editor: Johnson, Schultz and referendum supported

Editor’s note: The following letter is an endorsement of a political candidate. Letters endorsing or in opposition to political candidates or election ballot issues will be published up until one week before the applicable election. (Letters endorsing candidates running in the spring election will be published until March 29.) Authors are limited to one letter per week. Letters of endorsement may not be written by the candidate being endorsed, nor may candidates write letters of endorsement or in opposition to their election opponents. Our full letters policy is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/opinion/.
The city of Fort Atkinson has a couple important issues on the ballot in April, and I wanted to address them. First, there are two seats on the council open, and only one incumbent running. That incumbent is Bruce Johnson who I have known almost my entire life. We don’t always agree, but I think he is doing a good job on the council. The choice for the remaining seat is very clear to me. Eric Schultz (no relation) is serving on Planning Commission and has helped the city work through very complicated issues. He has a good comprehension of those issues and will help the city through them.
One of those complicated issues, has resulted in the public safety referendum on the ballot, and I urge you to vote YES on it. I heard someone say that the city has always used volunteers to man the fire department, and that is what they should do now. All you need do is drive through town and see all of the “Help Wanted” signs, to get a grasp of the problem. When it comes to public safety, simplistic answers, to complicated problems, put our property and lives at risk. Please make sure you get to the polls on April 5th and vote. There has seldom been a more critical spring election in Fort Atkinson.
Dick Schultz,
Fort Atkinson

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