On April 5, Fort Atkinson citizens will have an opportunity to vote on the Public Safety Referendum and decide whether our residents should receive Emergency Medical Service (EMS) from individuals in our own community or from Ryan Brothers, the current contracted provider.
My hope is that people who live here will choose to receive emergency assistance from those who have a vested interest in our community. They may be our neighbors, friends or anyone with whom we have a connection.
When my elderly mother, who lived an hour away from me, needed help after a fall, she received that help from the emergency team in her own city. Later, I called her to ask how she was doing. She said, “I’m doing fine. Jerry came and picked me up just like that! Jerry goes to my church, you know.” I believe Mom’s experience illustrates that local service is the best choice. Falls are traumatic for anyone, but I believe Jerry’s familiar face helped to lessen her anxiety.
It may be genetic, but recently I slipped on my bathroom floor and fell. After Ryan Brothers staff had assisted me, out of curiosity I asked if the company still had the policy that allows a person three calls for help before being charged. I was told the policy had been discontinued and people are now charged $300 for every call which doesn’t require transport to the hospital. Great news for those who will not be reimbursed by Medicare. Today, three falls would total $900!
I’m sure if my mother had received bills totaling $900, the shock would have thrown her right back on the floor!
If voters choose local service, which would give a Fort Atkinson team the authority to make its own decisions, I am confident that team would give the same level of service we gratefully receive from our police and fire departments. To avoid burnout or low morale, the key always is to provide adequate support, particularly to those in high stress positions.
Please, Fort Atkinson people, give our community a gift by voting to provide emergency medical services right here!
Sandra Bernhardt,
Fort Atkinson
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