Great news: the Friends of the Library Travelogue is back. We offer this program on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in January, February and March. The program lasts about an hour. This year you will be able to attend in person or via Zoom. Go to the Dwight Foster Library website to get information about Zoom connection. Afternoon presentations start at 1 and the evening programs at Dwight Foster Library Community Room at 7. The first presentation is scheduled for Jan. 27 for an evening presentation. Jess Clayton will be presenting “Traveling by Train in Europe … with Kids!” Traveling by train is perhaps the most convenient, relaxing and enjoyable way to travel around Europe.
This presentation will discuss the advantages of European travel by train, especially for people who are interested in traveling with children or with multiple generations. It will describe the logistics of European train travel, including how to book rail passes before leaving the US as well as how to take advantage of the flexibility offered by train travel. It will also provide examples from the presenter’s 2019 trip to Europe with her 9-year old twin boys.”
This program is free and everyone in the Community is welcome. The program lasts between an hour and an hour and a half. Our next program will be with Pat and Ken Belt talking about Norway on Feb. 10 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m..
Larry Ketterman
Friends of the Library, publicity
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