Letter to the editor: Loup, Selle supported for school board

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School board members have such an important job: creating policies; approving curriculum, budgets and calendars; educating children with disabilities; evaluating educator quality; working with parents, community members and school staff; and trying to bring innovative ideas to the district. I have done my homework on which candidates to vote for on February 15.

Matt Loup and Robynn Selle are the clear choice. Their responses to the Fort Community Online questionnaire showed that they are not running on a single issue. They fully understand the breadth and responsibility of this role in our community and have the experience and passion to be open-minded school board members.  

Robynn Selle has been an involved parent since her child was in preschool at Parents Cooperative Preschool. She continued on as a Barrie PTO member. She’s been a coach at the high school and served on several boards. Her dedication from preschool on tells me she has the compassion and drive needed to be an excellent school board member. She is willing to put in the time and effort to ensure students are receiving the best education possible and that she can work with students, families and staff. 

Matt Loup has a love for Fort Atkinson evidenced through his many activities in the community including the youth soccer association and Heart of the City. He put the most effort into thinking about the challenges our district faces and how to work on those issues. 

Both candidates’ welcome opportunities to discuss concerns, they are accessible and have a rapport with our district’s educators. For all these reasons, I am voting Matt Loup and Robynn Selle.  

Local elections matter! Please vote on February 15.

Jenny Neugart

Fort Atkinson

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