Letter to the editor: Rogers, LaMuro supported for school board

Editor’s note: following is a letter to the editor endorsing a political candidate(s). Fort Atkinson Online accepts letters in support of candidates with the following stipulations: letters must include name, address, and telephone number of the letter’s author. Only the name and municipality will be published. Authors may submit for publication one letter per week. Letters may not exceed 700 words. Candidates may not submit letters on their own behalf. No letters endorsing political candidates running in the Feb. 15 primary election will be published after Tuesday, Feb. 8. Fort Atkinson Online’s full letter-to-the-editor policy is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/fort-atkinson-online-letter-to-the-editor-policy/.

On February 15th, the School District of Fort Atkinson will conduct a primary election for two seats on Fort Atkinson School Board, and it seldom has been more critical that you get out and vote. The health, welfare, and even the lives our student, faculty and staff are literally on the line.

It is encouraging that six candidates have come forward willing to serve, but, in my opinion, there are two that absolutely stand out, given the current difficulties faced by our district, and frankly all districts in this country.

I have worked as member of both the Fort Atkinson City Council, and the Fort Atkinson School Board, with Attorney Christopher Rogers, and in fact known him almost my entire life. I was very pleased to hear that he has offered to serve on the board. He is a very fine man, and having his legal expertise on that board during these times is critical.
I also serve on the Jefferson County Board of Health with Samantha LaMuro. She is a highly intelligent, very capable lady, whose professional skills are a fantastic fit for the board during these trying times. Samantha has a bachelor’s degree in clinical laboratory sciences. She also has additional training for infection prevention, and she is licenced as a radiological technologist. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what a great fit that is for the school board at this time.

Please, even if you have never voted in a school board primary before, go to the polls on February 15th (and in April) and vote for Christopher Rogers and Samantha LaMuro.
Dick Schultz

Fort Atkinson

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