Thanks to the 25 plus individuals who attended the Homeless Vigil on December 21st at Jones Park. Though a stiff wind blew the cold to our bones, our hearts were warmed by hot chocolate and the efforts to reduce homelessness in our city/area. The vigil was organized by the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson. We heard from a friend of Keith Lueloff, the homeless man who died from exposure in 2018. Dave talked about the choices Keith made, notably that he chose the way he lived, though he had money that could have prevented his death by providing him shelter. His comments epitomized the issues regarding homelessness in our community. There are so many factors that go into why a person is homeless. Opening with a prayer by Pastor Maribel from the First United Methodist church helped memorialize the vigil and bring us back to the spiritual help needed to change mindsets and bring about hope.
Kenny Strege, vice president of the Homeless Coalition and Jefferson County Human Service Social Worker, spoke about the prevalence of homelessness, even in Fort Atkinson. Most homelessness is invisible, or hidden from plain sight, especially in a small town/city. As only one helping organization, the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson has helped over 86 households and more than 114 individuals in 2021. The need is here. Many other organizations assist as well, often in thousands of dollars and with many other resources.
Though we did not talk about what we can do to end or slow homelessness, you certainly can help. The Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson is raising funds to purchase a home to provide for a family to help them get out of their situation. Based upon the Bethel House model, the family would pay rent to the Homeless Coalition that would go into escrow. This money would be used to help the family once they are ready to transition to their own living arrangements. Prior to this transition the family would go through financial planning/budget training and lifeskill management to help prevent returning to their needful situation. The hope is to offer a hand up, rather than a hand out! Currently, the Homeless Coalition is working with the School District of Fort Atkinson to secure a family to move into a rental unit, graciously offered free from Fort Healthcare to the Homeless Coalition. These houses will eventually need to be moved to a new location. We also have a few rental rooms available for individuals from Rocket Realty. These properties are rented by the Homeless Coalition which assumes the risk of renting , as most rental histories are very poor. We take the chance. It may not work, but we try.
You can make a difference by supporting our Capital Campaign. Donations made to the Capital Campaign will be matched two-one by the Fort Atkinson Community Foundation up to $100,000. The Homeless Coalition needs to raise $50,000 to receive the amount. Regular donations for day to day operations can be made to the same P.O. Box 785. Regular donations would go for gas cards, room rentals, hotel vouchers, and other resources. Many of these, particularly hotel stays are more band aid approaches. We do require individuals to sign up for more help from Human Services and the community Action Coalition. What we want most is the change in situation, for individuals and families to get back on their feet.
Individuals wishing to help can contact Sheri Bronstad, director of the Homeless Coalition at 920-210-8100 or go to our webpage at Monetary donations can be made to the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson at P.O. Box 785. Please designate funds for either the Capital Campaign or regular services/day to day funds. Remember the Capital Campaign funds are matched (2-1) by the generous donation from the Fort Atkinson Community Foundation. Thank you.
Jude Hartwick
Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson, president
Some 25 members of the public and the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson gather in Jones Park. Chris Spangler photo.
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