Letter to the editor: Use your voice and vote

Use your voice in the upcoming primary August 9th election! Return your absentee ballot as soon as possible by mail or to your clerk. Or vote in person early or on election day. 

If you have a disability and need help returning your absentee ballot, your rights are protected by federal law. If you need assistance, contact your clerk and ask for a disability related accommodation (Call Bridget Woods for Town of Koshkonong 920-563-4510 or Michelle Ebbert 920-397-9901 for the city of Fort Atkinson). Federal law protects the right of people with disabilities to have assistance with all aspects of voting, including mailing their ballot AND having a person of their choice deliver their ballot to their clerk or polling place. Also, Wisconsin Statuten7:15 (14) states that “Each municipal clerk shall make reasonable efforts to comply with requests for voting accommodations made by individuals with disabilities whenever feasible.”

Kathleen Townsend

Fort Atkinson, WI

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