Library director announces creation of 733 cards

The Dwight Foster Public Library director has announced the created 733 new library cards for children in the School District of Fort Atkinson.  

Library Director Eric Robinson said nearly 1,100 families in the district indicated during school year enrollment they were interested in getting a library card. Some families had an existing card, which was renewed for them, according to information released by the library. 

Library cards will be mailed out in the coming days, the release noted. 

“We cannot wait to see more smiling faces in the Dwight Foster Public Library, reading, studying and enjoying time with friends and family in our beautiful facility. All of our physical and online collections like Overdrive and Hoopla can be accessed with the new cards. We also check out Explore Passes that give families a free means to go to museums and other locations in Madison and Milwaukee,” Robinson was quoted as saying in the release.  

Students will have access to many of the library’s materials for check out, including digital materials. The library has a full selection of books for all ages and genres, movies, graphic novels, game and digital offerings including movies, music, ebooks, audio books, digital magazines and video on demand. The possibilities at the library are endless. Students are also invited to attend one of the many groups for kids that meet at the library including Play Pokémon and Lego Club, the release continued. 

For more information about services provided at the library, visit: 

Dwight Foster Public Library, file photo/Kim McDarison. 

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